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Following up on a previous article titled "Should You Vote Even Though We Have Rigged Elections?"
My “Should You Vote Even Though We Have Rigged Elections?“ article from a while back got a lot of attention. Mostly negative at the time, because I argued in favor of voting.
Horrible, I know. Most dissidents take the opposite stance.
I laid out my thoughts in that article and left it at that. But now that voting season is (sadly) back upon us, I’m going to double-down and piss everyone off again by addressing the large number of critiques I received last time.
Consider this a follow-up of sorts, so I won’t be re-hashing my old argument here, but going deeper. So I recommend reading that article first, if you have not.
But a brief refresher is that my main argument is that even if you take the stance that the net gain is infinitesimally small with voting, it is never a net negative, so it should still be undertaken:
In no situation is there a scenario where it hurts to vote. In some situations it may not help, but it causes nothing negative to occur. Voting is a small, easy thing to do. So the costs are minimal if costs exist at all.
The problem with not voting due to recognizing the rigging is that the person who should vote will then be the one not voting. The people who actually know what’s going on will abstain, where the oblivious will vote. We’ll be stuck with nothing but idiots and those who know nothing about the current elections. This will lead to accelerationism.
By not voting, you are not “withdrawing consent” or any other such nonsense. The state and its ruling class could be “elected” with twenty people and wouldn’t care. Reduced voting populations do nothing to assist with derailing accelerationism or delegitimizing the ruling class. The ruling class owns the media. They will just make sure the media won’t talk about it.
Even considering rigged elections, should more people vote, it requires the ruling class to do much more rigging that can be caught. Such as in the instance of the 2000 mules documentary. If everyone on the right gave up on voting, they wouldn’t even need to commit the rigging, and thus would not get caught.
The riggers getting caught help us tremendously, because it pushes regular conservatives into the dissident camp when they realize the system is not salvageable. We need more people to distrust and disdain the system. This is acquired only with instances like the 2020 riggers.
So, I would argue that voting is an inside-the-system tactic that is worthwhile if paired with an outside-the-system focus. Vote to annoy the ruling class, to make it harder for them to cheat, to force them to be careless, and just to be a general nuisance. It’s small and costs nothing.
We are dissidents because we don’t believe that the current system can be saved, so an in-the-system strategies won’t lead us to victory. Therefore, voting won’t save us. But it won’t hurt us either. We can still use the system to our advantage when it is a viable option.
We need more time to build communities and friendly institutions to actually succeed, and voting can help us acquire that extra time in certain circumstances. Voting can also heavily annoy the ruling class, which is always an enjoyable and worthwhile experience in itself.
Now, let’s get to the usual retorts I received against voting:
Dissidents are great people, but they are often radical people. It’s all or nothing with many of them. If some tactic doesn’t solve every single problem right away, they don’t want to hear it. But we need nuance, organization, and strategy to win, not all-or-nothing battlefields. The latter has never worked and will never work for us.
The simple fact is, I don’t want a bunch of blue-haired landwhales and soyboys being the only voters in your local community. That is a recipe for disaster. I want normal-physiognomy heritage Americans at the poll booth and active in their locales.
If you still don’t vote, that is fine. I’m not going to have a breakdown about it, because I’m focused on my own enclave and most of you are not in it. But it is a shame for your own community if you are not involved. So if you choose not to vote, at least go get active in some other way in your local area.
The person who does nothing in their community and constantly whines about voting not being a solution is a person that is wholly worthless to our movement and our people. They exist solely as demoralizers. Just don’t be that guy.
Want to get involved and don’t know how? Start with these two articles: The Precinct Strategy: Get Involved Locally & Article Series: Ways To Contribute.
At the end of the day, voting is not that big of a deal. It will not change a lot for us. But it takes like ten minutes once every couple of years and may help out your community, so the time investment for the return is not a bad tradeoff.
That is why I (still) encourage tossing your thoughts into the hat, and especially for the local/state arena where it has the potential to matter on a minor level.
I highly, highly recommend that you read my article ‘United States Elections: On The Ground‘ for why I think this way about voting. Most dissidents decide against voting without being involved locally at all. I am not that person. This is not a random position I’ve decided upon by reading stuff online. I have been active in my community for years now. I know how this political game works. This position comes from five years of experience in local activism and three-ish years of trying to convince/educate others on how to get plugged in like I have. I see the need for the votes and the involvement by dissidents, but they just are not showing up.
And as I said in that article:
We have far too many people that stay solely online and never show up in person. They then spend all their time complaining online. The internet will be the death of us. Show up first. Complain later.
We also just need more people active on the local level and in local organizations.
The United States elections are in shambles. This includes local. I would nearly guarantee that no matter where you live, they need help on the local level. Your actions could make or break your specific regions’ ability to weather the storm.
All we have to do is hold out until this entire thing falls. If you’re in an area that doesn’t hold, you’ll be screwed.
To summarize: I personally recommend voting. But even if you don’t vote, at least start showing up. Get involved.
Otherwise, if you’re not prepared when everything falls, don’t say I did not try to warn you.
Read Next: United States Elections: On The Ground
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