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The Dubai Porta Potty Girls

A Follow Up On The Dubai Porta Potty Girls

It's been awhile since we last checked in with the Dubai Porta Potty Girls. Let's take a quick look and see how they're doing.

The Dubai Porta Potty Girls

This is a follow-up article on one of my most popular articles (of all time) on this website, which can be found here if you are brave enough to view it: The Depravity Of Modern Women

Sadly, but also expectedly, it seems it’s not going so well for them:

REVEALED: The 40 women arrested for posing naked on a Dubai balcony are all models in their teens and 20s from Ukraine who are each facing six months in prison and £1,000 fines

40 women from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, and Moldova were arrested in Dubai

Russian Alexey Kontsov, 33, was arrested on suspicion of organising the shoot 

Group of naked women were filmed posing on the balcony in Dubai on Saturday

Dubai Police confirmed group had been arrested on public debauchery charges

Models detained in Dubai for flouting public decency laws are mainly from Ukraine, it has emerged.

All are understood to be from the ex-Soviet Union including Russia, Belarus and Moldova.

A Russian man detained and named as an organiser of the ‘lewd’ shoot on a balcony in the United Arab Emirates has been identified by the Moscow media as Alexey Kontsov, 33, a Russian citizen.

It is understood he told police he was in a nearby apartment and had filmed the spectacle showing the naked women.

He claims to have then made the ‘fatal mistake’ of sharing the explicit video, a potential crime in the UAE.

He has hired lawyers to call for his release from a Dubai jail.

Russian media outlet Life, a media group controlled by Vladimir Putin’s suspected partner and former Olympic gymnast Alina Kabaeva, reported some 40 models were involved in a project which has caused major upset in Dubai.

Fewer were visible on the naked rear picture that sparked fury in the UAE. It could lead to large fines or six months in jail for those who took part. 

dubai porta potty girls arrested
dubai porta potty girls arrested
dubai porta potty girls arrested
dubai porta potty girls arrested

Note the term “model”. Yeah, they’re certainly in Dubai to “model” (hint: they’re not).

On an ironically-related note, I just finished reading the Quran. I didn’t notice any part in it which mentioned tolerance toward degenerate non-believers.

Quite the opposite, it mentioned hating disbelievers in every way imaginable in probably 2/3rds of the entire book. It was exhausting.

But the women wouldn’t be there if there wasn’t someone financing their “modeling”. Someone is financing it. Someone local. Perhaps, with a camel fetish.

So, there is a demand in the region.

You just can’t get caught. That’s where they messed up. Don’t go to a balcony, genius.

Dubai: Where they are anti-degenerate in public, but have them hump their camel in private.

Humanity is truly fascinating.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

One comment

  1. Here again, it is with shame I see that my hands are red with the ability to be privy to this info while we outsource the violence and soul destruction that affords us the very ability to share this knowledge. Technology. Henceforth, what will we do with it?

    Most likely more of the same that brought the human race to such a level of global domination over all other life (intentional avoidance of the word dominion, which traditionally implies a sense of responsible stewardship.) These men & women at the top commiting such deplorable acts are really at the bottom of spiritual wealth, with holes too big to ever fill by the ways they’ve conceived. And yet, … AND YET, these aren’t truly unprecedented occurrences! Anyone who’s read a smattering of anthropology or even psychology has probably been just as shocked at some of the oldest nuclear family practices still extant in obscure pockets. Namely, how one man is alpha, having “known” all his wives, their daughters and granddaughters, until he is overthrown and killed by his usurper who intends to do the same (albeit with some fresh genes so as to be less incestuous, unless it’s his son, which it usually is.) Or how all the children of another tribe are weened off their mother’s breast onto the Village Elder’s penis.

    Not to get too off topic, or disparage primitive peoples who the majority of which the world over are more Godly than us civilized folk, and without a book to tell them so! This is merely to illustrate the thousands of years of momentum of human sin, or whatever we call it, only seeming unprecedented due to the information sharing going on. It’s true that airliners are carrying these women around the world at 500mph granting these men greater variety & immediacy, and as I start to bash the devil’s workshop in the idle hands of these elite … I’m staring at my fingers tapping an emmulated keyboard on the screen of this free government issued cellphone!

    This is a hypocrisy I cannot allow myself. There are those that will say that they’re dirtying their hands with the intention of shedding light and improving the situation. I say more power to them. “Those without cuts on their hands can handle poison.” Thank You All. Those with a greater strength of character than I possess to soldier through reems of websearches of an unsavory sort. That’s takin’ one for the team!

    As for me and my house … well … to walk the walk instead of just talk I’ve been predominantly off grid for years much to the benefit of my spiritual health and those that I’ve encouraged to try the same (too bad I can’t get one of these Shieks to fast from the internet for Ramadan! Maybe someone will one day use a cellphone to text him the importance of putting down his cellphone for a while.) I know it’s not for everyone, but I prefer the simplicity. I don’t feel deprived, but liberated, so I’m afraid I can’t make a habit of this sort of communication. I guess I don’t get out much, this felt good, it’s been building for a while.

    To be fair, we must also see the coat tails of murder, rape, incest, torture, pillaging, colonizing, enslaving and general exploitation that we’re riding on. Human history before and after Rome/Christendom, Anglo/Latin, all across Asia/Africa, The New World wasn’t so new to warfare. Antarctica’s pretty peaceful … oh yeah, a lot less humans! Developing the stupid smartphones allowing the instant, far reaching destruction of women and children that started this conversation perpetuated on stupid smartphones allowing the instant, far reaching destruction of women and children (no, I’m not repeating the same sentence twice in one sentence as a play on words to be cute! If you follow the circular logic carefully, it works, much to my chagrin. It pains me deeply to speak of these things.)

    Again, I apologise if my empathic propensity is too much for most, but let us take a look at the tortured souls seemingly responsible for such heinous acts. The call girls themselves have been addressed, how about what high-stress lives are led by the sponsors. What could cause such a build up, leading to blowing off steam (and pee & poop) in these ways? Perhaps knowing that the desicions made daily to (even if indirectly) murder, rape, torture, enslave or otherwise exploit, shedding more blood with their hands than most of us will ever dream of, let alone hear of online. Yes, most of it is unnecessary, but there are only room for a few in that room of the few where those dirty deeds done dirt cheap are decided upon. What keeps us.out of those high places is our lack of climbing Machiavelli’s Ladder, but if we did, we’d most likely end up like them: tortured souls filling holes. It’s similar to a Catholic Mafioso’s “sin-eating”: they figure they’re goin’ to hell for what they’ve done, so why not stay in that inner-ring where the terrible things are decided (15,000 die/10,000 allies die) and they do the darn thing! Are they takin’ one for the team? A lot of people will say there’s gotta be better ways of doing things. I’m all for a global universal awakening, probably the biggest free-lovin’ hippie-dippie peace-nik you’ll ever meet, holdin’ onto Hope for God’s sake! There’s an awful lot of worldwide momentum of sin, or missing the mark, in human history. “An adventure in missing the point.” Will the better ways work right now, or is there still an enormous tide to turn?

    I don’t pretend to know the answers, I’m just willing to face these difficult questions with a more honest look than most at my own complicity in the crimes of humanity. Despite the monkish austerity of my Vows of Simplicity, the blood is on my hands as well. I benefit DIRECTLY from all these terrible aspects of the global commerce machine that brings me food, information, etc. every day.The 40 year general kills women and children only INDIRECTLY to save me the sin of doing so. Which is worse? Does it matter? We’re all in need of forgiveness. Can we forgive each other? Can we forgive ourselves?

    Brings to mind A Few Good Men movie scene. A young, wet behind the ears, greenhorn lawyer with noble aims of justice grills a wartorn, salty old dog, officer with noble aims of fidelity. After persistent questioning, an exasperated old man yells “What d’you want from me?!” The youngster yells back “I want the truth!” The old-timer snarls ” You can’t handle the truth.” Poignantly describing a lot of terrible things in life. After all, it’s why we were kicked out of The Garden: wanting to know things above our pay grade

    Only Love, Neil:)

    P.S.: Sorry for the novel!

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