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Revolver published a fantastic piece on Ashli Babbitt. It is probably the best follow up we are going to get on the situation. Corruption everywhere, as expected.
Revolver wrote an excellent piece about a follow up on Ashli Babbitt. Particularly, they highlighted the issues with the centralized capitol police:
Mystery Surrounding Ashli Babbitt’s Shooter Deepens as Curious Details About “Capitol Police” Emerge
On January 6th, an unarmed 14-year vet and American patriot by the name of Ashli Babbitt was murdered inside the US Capitol.
Ashli was shot in the neck by a federal officer. The DC coroner listed the cause of death as a “homicide.”
Unlike other high-profile police incidents, like George Floyd and Daunte Wright, Ashli’s killer-cop has never been named. We have no idea who he is. All we officially know about this federal officer is that he will not be charged with Ashli’s murder.
During an investigation that appears to have been conducted under a cloak of extreme secrecy, it was determined there wasn’t “sufficient evidence to support criminal prosecution.”
Isn’t that convenient?
Was this officer part of the Capitol Police force?
Well, the secrecy surrounding the case would suggest that yes perhaps he was, but we’re only speculating.
Everything is a mystery when it comes to the Capitol Police because they operate under a totally different set of rules.
Thanks to their buddies in Congress, the U.S. Capitol Police do not follow the same public reporting or transparency protocols that most other major police forces do.
For example, if someone is shot outside the Capitol by a DC police officer, the department is required by law to release the names of the officers involved in the shooting.
The Capitol Police force is not required to release the names of officers involved in any shooting, and most-often times they choose to withhold that information from the public.
Not to mention, Capitol Police are also under no obligation to respond to FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests.
The Capitol Police are part of the Legislative Branch and are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act. That means if a journalist or watchdog group asks for records on police misconduct or inspector general reports, they’ll come up empty because Capitol Police are not required under the law to comply.
Not very “transparent” policing, is it?
Some more facts. Unlike most major police departments, Capitol police are not equipped with body cameras.
The American taxpayers who fund this “police force” are left with a million unanswered questions, growing suspicion and a lack of trust in their government officials.
Who was this officer that killed Ashli? Is he part of the Capitol Police, or is he a member of another government agency?
Apparently, we’ll never know.
Go read the full article. It is worth it.
How convenient that the most high-risk police department in the United States neither wears body cams or has to respond to FOIA requests.
How’s that for an accountable, transparent government?
A martyr got killed that day and we have no information about it. The identifies of local cops that justifiably shoot blacks are out within what seems like milliseconds. When you shoot white women, apparently it doesn’t matter as much.
Two tier justice system, as usual. The politburo protect their own.
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This woman’s death was a tragedy. And the 400 or more people facing prison for taking part in this mis-guided (or should I say ‘unguided’) action — which was an ENORMOUS gift to the Left — are lesser tragedies.
We must have a national organization which can run demonstrations like this, and properly steward them. A ring of trained stewards — with the material tools to see off Anti-Fa vermin (I don’t mean guns) — is what we need for future demonstrations. Properly-commanded stewards would have provented provocateurs or mis-guided hot-heads from doing something like this.
Forming a serious national organization will not be easy — too many would-be Chiefs with inflated egos, too many nut-cases who can’t distinguish reality from a Rambo movie — but it must be done.
The OathKeepers and the Three Percenters had a large part of the right idea, but were let down by their leaderships. However, we can do it right next time.
Agree on most points. The only part of disagreement from my end is the “gift to the left” aspect. Anything we do will be a gift to them, they control the media and narrative. They can spin it however they want. Until we stop caring about that, nothing will be done. I don’t care what they perceive. If anything, Jan 6 was a gift to us, because it showed the entire nation that we still have some citizens with balls that will fight. They just lack leadership.
You are correct it was an “unguided” action. It was not the fault of those who were there, but the people that were supposed to lead them. Trump failed them. He called them there and then abandoned them.
Your idea of a national organization is a great idea. I have tossed around a similar idea before too. One where organizations aren’t in densely populated areas would be a good start. Get our guys out on some private land outside of the cities. Then, no “car accidents” or other violence could happen without the antifa being the obvious idiots for driving out there and being on private land. Inner cities are not safe places for any of us, protest or not.