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A list of the top 6 lessons learned from the recent race riots. Be forewarned: this article is not for the faint of heart.
Lesson #1: Don’t bring a machete to a mob fight:
Video from a protest scene in Dallas shows a man being beaten by a group after chasing protesters with a machete.
In the graphic video, a man runs toward a group while carrying a large blade. The mob kicks and punches the man, even hitting him with skateboards. One man appears to hit the man with a rock. The man was left bloodied on the sidewalk before others intervened to help the man.
The man was allegedly taken to a local hospital in stable condition.
In a series of since-deleted tweets, writer C.A. Shoultz, the man who was allegedly beaten in the video described why he was carrying a machete.
In the tweets, Shoultz writes he was worried that his nearby apartment building might be invaded and wanted to defend a bar in the area he frequented regularly after another business he visits was broken into the night before.
“That was bravery to the point of stupidity. I realize that now,” he wrote on Twitter.
Lesson #2: Don’t beg. A mob is not much better than a pack of wild animals. They prey on fear:
If you want to be angry — like truly, righteously furious — then watch the video of Mrs. Mavity (screen shot above). She and her husband own a store in Rochester, New York. In the midst of riots, she was begging people to not destroy and loot her store. She didn’t threaten them. She was certainly not a harbinger of fear and violence.
For the audacity of asking rioters to spare her store, she was savagely beaten by eight men with metal clubs and 2X4s. Her husband tried to intervene. He was beaten worse.
It’s important to remember the unquestionable truth the mainstream media and the left have been imparting. Violence has only emerged in these riots when the rioters are overtly threatened. It’s always self-defense.
Lesson #3: Do everything possible to avoid riots while in a vehicle. If unavoidable, do not stop. Seriously, under no circumstances should you stop:
One scenario I saw playing out over and over again was when a mass of protesters blocked a road or highway. Those “protesters” would occasionally attack people in the cars that were stopped on the roadway. Others used the opportunity to carjack the victims and steal their cars. In one such carjacking attempt, an elderly man was dragged from his car by carjackers and beaten with his own oxygen tank.
Denny was a 36-year-old construction dump truck driver attacked on the first day of the rioting. In what has been called an “iconic image” of the L.A. uprising, video footage from a news helicopter showed Denny being pulled from his truck and beaten with fists, kicked, and struck with a cinder block.
The attack has been described as a hate crime in which Denny was targeted for his race in response to police brutality against King and the belief that the criminal justice system had failed to protect King’s civil rights.
Lesson #4: Get your kids out of the city ASAP if violence is brewing:
A child cries out in terror in this video as rioters launched bricks and rocks through a walkway in Houston’s downtown.
The mob then turned on her father’s car parked nearby and hurl rocks at the windshield with the child inside!
dirty scum thugs – bastards attack childrens hospital in texas
Lesson #5: You may be on the side of righteousness but that won’t save you from getting your a** beat. If you’re going to support the right side of history, don’t go alone:
The rioters in Portland savagely attacked a man for having an American flag, then brutalized a man who had tried to help him.
The man with a flag was confronted by the rioters who sucker punched him and attempted to steal it. He refused to let go of it, even as the violent mob pounced on him.
As the mob attacked the lone man, others on the outside threw projectiles at him.
One man attempted to stop the horrific violence and was chased and beat down for it. The violent criminals attacked him from behind and he landed face first on the pavement.
As he laid in the street unresponsive, one of the men kicked him in the head as hard as they possibly could. The man’s face was left a bloody and mangled mess. Large fragments of his teeth were mixed with his blood on the pavement.
“Knocked his motherf-cking ass out,” a callous female rioter is heard saying as the man lay unconscious. One can’t help but wonder how someone was raised that would make them so apathetic to violence.
Another rioter can be heard yelling “black lives matter you f-ggot.”
Lesson #6: Read the Riot Survival Guide right now. Don’t wait. Knowledge is power. Learn what to do before it happens so you’re not like these unlucky fellows above.
Stay safe.
God Bless.
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