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If you want to know why New York sucks, look no further. Click here and read our exhaustive list of 50 reasons why New York sucks.
I already picked on Cali in my article 75 Reasons Why California Sucks. I didn’t want to seem too biased, so let’s make sure we have another article giving 50 reasons why New York sucks as well, shall we?
Get settled in. We’re going to be here for a while.
1. New York is the second worst state for business in the entire country, behind only California.
2. New York is one of the highest taxed states.
3. It has the second highest debt of all states in the country. The average amount of debt for every man, woman and child in the state is $3,116, three times the median for all states.
4. NY has the fifth highest gas tax in the country.
5. New York is the third worst state to get caught speeding in.
6. NY has one of the worst under-employment rates in the country.
7. Her children generally (and most recently) scored “significantly under the national average” on The Nation’s Report Card.
8. This state spends the most on welfare of any state in the country.
9. New York is the third highest cost-of-living state.
11. Concentrated pollution in New York City leads to a high incidence of asthma and other respiratory conditions among the city’s residents.
12. According to the most recent Environmental Protection Agency National-Scale Air Toxics Assessment study, residents of New York County, NY (Manhattan), have the third highest cancer risk caused by airborne chemicals of all counties in the United States.
13. In September 2012, Travel+Leisure named New York City the #1 “America’s Dirtiest City”.
14. A 2014 paper estimated the rat population of New York City proper to be about 2 million, or one for every four people.
15. New York practically is always in the Top 3 of the rudest cities nationwide, frequently being #1.
16. No pets are allowed in NYC except cockroaches or rats.
17. New Yorkers worship excess; especially stupid indulgence such as excessive alcohol consumption and keeping up with the Joneses.
18. New York is one of the worst “Judicial Hellholes” based on the ATRA ratings.
19. The state has banned “assault weapons” and has developed a ridiculous definition for what an “assault weapon” even is.
20. A non-resident may be arrested by police for transporting weapons through NYC and then be forced to reference the federal Firearm Owners Protection Act as an affirmative defense to charges of Unlawful Possession of a Weapon.
21. NY is a may-issue state. So, terrible.
22. The lovely state has the second highest homelessness rate in the country.
23. New Yorkers pay nearly 50% more for electricity than the average for all US states.
24. The traffic in New York is in the Top 5 worst of all US cities. It takes a half hour to get a block down the street in a car.
25. Weird and edgy political correctness.
26. Frivolous spending by corrupt government bureaucrats.
27. 15% of their entire budget goes to outdated pension programs.
28. Drive in any direction away from NYC in New York and the only thing you will find are run down suburbs and college towns.
29. New York is in the top 10 lowest ranking for education attainment, including high school graduate or higher.
30. The deviation between the rich and the poor is huge in New York. Educational attainment shows this: they have a ridiculously high amount of people with advanced degrees compared to the average, yet they are also one of the lowest for ‘high school graduate or above’. So either residents have no education, or significant amounts of education, crafting the perfect opportunity-inequality state.
31. NY is one of the most gang-infested states in the US due to NYC.
32. It is very, very cold.
33. More people are leaving New York than any other state. “Between July 2017 and July 2018, the Empire State lost 180,306 people and gained only 131,746 new residents. A difference of 48,560 abandoned New York — the biggest decrease of any state in the US.”
34. The noise level in the city is insanely horrible. It is also absolutely filthy in certain areas (NYC… I’m looking at you).
35. You likely cannot afford a car.
36. Since you can’t afford a car in #35, you have to ride a ghetto train with local crackheads for 3 hours a day.
37. Speaking of drugs, deaths from drug overdoses and chronic drug abuse in New York have increased 71 percent between 2010 and 2015. The death rate from drugs in New York was 9.1 per every 100,000 people in 2010. In 2015, the rate was 15.2 per every 100,000 people.
38. NY is in the top 10 for crack and cocaine use.
39. New York has virtually no control over their classrooms, and children run rampant and do whatever they want. [1] [2]
40. The Bronx is known for unusual weather as it frequently rains bullets.
41. Urban sprawl and population overcrowding.
42. Most cities in Upstate and West New York are all industrial towns that are practically still in the great depression. Never heard of Upstate or West New York? Don’t worry, neither has anybody else.
43. NY is practically a sanctuary state. There are numerous cities that are “sanctuary cities” and even New York State will not cooperate with federal immigration officials. NY residents foot the bill for these illegal aliens.
44. The “modern” architecture sucks and looks like a gulag.
45. Buffalo.
46. New York has one of the highest costs to buy a house of any state.
47. The only thing you can get for free in New York is AIDS. The state has a super high STD rate, including Top 10 in Chlamydia and Syphilis.
48. NY is very far left leaning. So, socialism.
49. New York was rated the worst state in the US for gun owners (not including Washington DC).
50. NYC has the highest amount of total Americans burdened by housing costs. Have fun paying $5000 a month rent for a cardboard box with a few stripes on it outside of a pizza shop.
51. The fact that New York borders a state that could potentially be even worse: New Jersey.
There you have it, the full 50 reasons why New York sucks.
Make sure to show it to your New Yorker friend the next time they won’t shut up about how great New York is.
Check out my similar articles: 75 Reasons Why California Sucks and 55 Reasons Why Socialism Sucks.
Got more reasons? Leave them in the comments so I can add them.
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Yes it sucks to live here. But I dont agree with redneck towns all around ny. The closest places are actually not really redneck. I mean Connecticut and places in NJ are not redneck or college towns and are actually very nice. If you’re talking about around the city itself then that is also not true because much of nassau and suffolk county is not made up of rednecks or college towns so I’m not sure what you are referring to. In upstate ny once you get past Westchester, then yes, you do see alot of redneck New Yorkers and college towns. And I do agree with banning assault weapons but I think having a pistol to protect yourself should be ok. Another reason why NY sucks is that we have the worst governor and senator in the country. We also have mayor dumblasio running NYC. Also, we have too many foreign investors in our markets. Its ashame when americans cant even afford to buy houses in their own neighborhoods. I think this needs to stop so it will allow actual citizens to buy houses here. But nobody does anything about them so until then, we will keep being forced into renting within this city. So yeah, living here is just one big filthy mess anymore. I’m proud to be born and raised here but I’m ashamed of what it’s become. Even though the 80s and 90s weren’t the best times here crime wise, I would still choose those days when things were normal than what it is now.
you mat want to check this mta is the most expensive cost wise yet runs worst than 3rd world country
and there is very little transparency
Hey you forgot to mention how NYC welfare programs pay all living costs for anyone who doesn’t want more than a handout. NYC shits on the people who carry the city. If you make $18 an hour, that’s barely enough to rent a room In someone’s apartment, but this same person will pay $1,000-$2000 a month in income taxes and can’t get any welfare assistance. WTF
That’s the truth Randall. According to this article, New York is #1 in welfare spending out of all the states at $3,305 welfare spending per capita. That’s completely insane, my state is like 1/3 of that.
Uhmm… accuse me. but WTF. I live in nyc, and barely any of these facts are true. I never see any rats in my neighborhood, there are rats, but you’re being dramatic. No pets? HAHHAHAHAHHAHA. We have birds, dogs, cats, and a bunch more. Hamsters, lizards, etc. This made me laugh out loud. Almost everyone I meet in nyc is kind. Don’t listen to this article! We also have fish, some snakes, and A LOT more. I don’t know why you think guns should be legal, wtf do you use guns for? We are actually being safe, thank you.
I bet you live in studio or share a tiny apartment despite being an adult. I lived in the city for a decade and honestly can say New York has the worst excuses for humans I have ever met. **** arrogant self centered trash, completely detached from the rest of the world yet think they are the center of it. Its a ****hole face it and move! Good luck and stay warm you’ve probably been freezing for the last 8 months.
MIla, everything is true he has written. I live in downtown NYC in Little Italy next to SoHo, rats are everywhere in this city, taxes are insane, rent is insane, the cost of living is insane, the subways should be gutted and redone immediately, the homeless run rampant and assault people and you can’t pop them in the mouth or you risk getting arrested even though we know they all deserve it when they behave in that manner, you get maybe 1 month of actually pleasant weather during the year, have to share your sidewalks with excessive amounts of tourists daily, the wages don’t compensate for the high cost of living. I make good money, I am a dentist but it’s just not worth it anymore. Everyone is just staring at their phones, go on a date, I go on a ton and it’s just the same thing repeated over and and over the same conversations, everyone is obsessed with their jobs and money, but no one has any interesting stories, except the people who are coming from outside of new york. Yes, yes, the arts and the culture and the blah blah blah. What culture? Avocado toast? Selfies? Take that shit home. You can see every museum, skyline and neighborhood in manhattan and visit all the hot spot bars and restaurants in a month. It’s a nice hit and run deal for a tourist who has stared at these buildings and walked these streets for 30 years but the day to day living here doesn’t justify the price. Yes, it’s very convenient for getting a meal and a drink and buying some clothes, and buying stuff, all day long purchasing. But that’s not much of a life. A good show will likely cost at least $150 a ticket, it’s all very expensive. School here is insane, I owe $505,000 for my studies at NYU. That is not a joke. The surrounding areas suck, I grew up across the GWB in fort lee, NJ. Fun to grow up in, but you don’t want to be there past your 21st birthday, connecticut is boring as hell it’s all families that got married, had a baby and moved there from another city and now they are depressed. Upstate ny, wyndham etc is fun when theres a blizzard and you snowboard but in general east coast mountains have a nickname, ice coast. Vermont isn’t even so great once you visit colorado, hard to go back to vermont. I am a single guy, no kids and no responsibilities to anyone but myself, no dog, nothing, making good money and I am telling you it is still not an easy city to make a life in. You will work yourself to the bone trying to get ahead and life will pass you by before you know it. Most of the highly educated here are working so hard they don’t have time to go enjoy all the daily activities that are pleasant in New York. They wake up at 5 am, get into a crammed subway car with sleeping homeless people and shit and piss, start work at 7-8 pm. Grind for 10-12 hours a day, rush out of the office to take an even more crowded subway back home, decide whether to get in a workout at the crowded overpriced gym or go to the crowded overpriced bar and drink, maybe get laid, and then go home and sleep and do the same thing all over again…..for 6 days out fo the week.
I’ve lived in several states, including New Jersey, and now New York for 15 years. There are plenty of rats, it is dirty, and the people are rude when compared to anywhere else that I have lived. Bumping and slugging and not saying excuse me, is customary here. Unfortunately, I can’t get out, and my family and I are stuck in this hell hole. The rent and food prices are sky-high, no normal person can afford to save to get out. Most people are living in one apartment with four or more people. Just to live in this dumpy state (city). It was the money that attracted me here, and I regret ever moving to New York. By the way, if you haven’t seen the filth and rats and still think the people are friendly here, then you have not lived in New York long enough. Welcome to the NYC Animal Kingdom.
You must be living in a high rise apartment. I think you need to come down from your loft and take a better look at the city we live in or stop doping to see the truth. You haven’t lived in the city long enough if you haven’t seen a rat. Before moving out to Brooklyn, I lived in NoHo for five years with my family, and there were plenty of rats and lots of rude peeps. You just really need to get out more and open your eyes.
“We are actually being safe” — not even a good joke.
Enjoy your coronavirus!
NJ >>>>>>>> NY
New Jersey rules the planet.
The traffic system is corrupt. Your light is green and the next light is red.
if you are a white male, your luck getting dates in unlucky, full of Mudsharks
Speeding cameras are everywhere and they’ve been proven as fraudulent.
The city has full of construction work; never completed so traffic comes along. Don’t forget construction fraud in the train tracks. It appears the workers are sipping their coffee instead of working.
Sounds about right for NYC. Thanks for adding a few more data points.
What about Syracuse NY. Going down city trash and all sorts of garage all over the side road and to many ignorant people in a hurry speeding to get no where. A lot of gang violence such as shootings and stabbings and drug use. I hate the crooked politicians. Liberals or the far left is going to be one of the states to continue to allow Abortion services for outside state people or people that live in NYS thanks to our bone head governor. There is no Common Sense in NYS any more. Abortion is murder of an of an innocent soul that doesn’t stand a chance at life.
Agreed on all points, Jamie. Common sense left NYS a long time ago.
Don’t forget to add the migrant crisis
A timely addition, considering what’s going on there right now.
Traffic and parking are ridiculous in the city. I work at night as a security guard. I drive to Manhattan on West 34th and 8th Avenue. There are annoying TLC drivers who double park blocking a lane that are likely to cause traffic accidents. They don’t even pull their cars all the way in by the curb. I also want to mention I work near the Midtown Precinct South. Because I work there and the cops waste parking space. And others who park there are there for pleasures going to F49 clubs and bars. There are 3 cop cars and like two big minivan police cars taking spaces This is not a precinct. The precinct is like a minute away from here. In manhattan they patrol on foot. I’m sick of these police cars who park there while I have to look for parking for work and bumping into bums and aggressive panhandlers who try washing my windshield wipers without my consent. I flicked my wipers because the aggressive panhandlers obstructed my view at a traffic light especially at night where other drivers blind me with their high beams from behind and the front.
lol@ taxes. the people who make enough money to care about taxes have plenty of money to live comfortably. the ones who don’t make alot of money dont care about taxes because 35% of 30k is still insignificant
You have clearly never been poor. Only a pampered trust-fund kiddie would be idiotic enough to say something like that.
Dude, good start on the list. I myself can easily rattle off 10 more. Want some suggestions to make it an even 100?