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Looking for Reasons Why California Sucks? You've come to the right place. Let's expose the California Socialist Republic.
California’s got the beaches… but that’s about it. The days of ‘California Girls’ by the Beach Boys are long gone. Want attractive women? Go to Texas instead. Unless you have a thing for blue hair and the scent of rats, I guess. Let’s take a walk through the modern day reality of The California Socialist Republic and discover 50 Reasons Why California Sucks.
If it isn’t enough to be surrounded by hostile politicians and communists, you also have the luxury of dealing with all of these issues discussed below.
(*Side-note: I originally got the idea for this article from an TheEconomicCollapse article by Michael Snyder. That article was written in 2012, and many of the facts are no longer accurate [such as some unemployment metrics], so I felt such a legendary article deserved an update. This is the modernized version for 2017, with some updates thereafter).
1. California ranked dead last in Chief Executive magazine’s annual Best and Worst States for Business survey in 2016. Oh, and it also was ranked dead last for every other year that the survey has been conducted.
2. In 2015, the state of California ranked 50th out of all 50 states in new business creation.
3. According to a recent study, California is the worst-governed state in the entire country for two years in a row.
4. Even after Proposition 30, California still boasts the highest state income tax rate in the nation.
5. Even though California continually (Prop 55) raises taxes dramatically on the wealthy, state revenues are falling like a rock and debt is still adding up.
6. California has the highest sales tax rate in the United States.
7. California has the 9th highest corporate income tax rate in the country.
8. California has the highest “minimum corporate tax” in the country. It is the only state where a corporation must pay money to the state, even if a corporation does not make a single dollar of profit.
9. California has the 2nd highest gas tax in the country. And don’t worry, if you drive an electric car they’ll still charge you a $100 annual fee for “offsetting your gas taxes”.
10. California is the only state in America that taxes carbon emissions.
11. The state of California issues some of the most expensive traffic tickets in the nation. It is actually the highest when you count in the insurance premium hit.
12. California has historically had the third highest unemployment rate of any state, and has the highest under-employment rate.
13. California scored 45th on “The Nation’s Report Card” for public school test scores, indicating significantly sub-par scores on Math and Reading and generally poorly educated students.
14. The state of California requires licenses for 198 different occupations (the most in the nation). The national average is only 96.
15. California teachers are the 5th highest paid in the nation, but California students rank 46th in math and 49th in reading.
16. California accounts for 12.15% percent of the U.S. population, but a whopping 30% percent of Americans that receive TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) and MOE live there. This amounts to almost 7 billion dollars per year.
17. California now has the lowest credit/bond rating in the entire country (Yes, it even surpassed Illinois).
18. Including unfunded pension liabilities, the state of California has more than twice as much debt as any other state does. Their total state debt (w/o unfunded pension liabilities) is second only to New York.
19. Average pay for California state workers has risen by 100 percent from 2005 to 2012, and 120 percent from 2012 to 2015. That is awesome news for those state employees, but it is terrible news for the taxpayers that have to pay their salaries and their pensions (Which we already have mentioned are currently unfunded).
20. California has the worst healthcare system in the country. This occurred because of illegals using the healthcare and not paying for insurance or services, hospitals closing down, and increased costs on providers.
21. Since 2007, the number of children living in poverty in the state of California has been steadily increasing.
22. Sadly, an astounding 58.6 percent of all students attending California public schools now qualify for free or reduced-price school lunches. To qualify, the family income must fall below 185% of the poverty line.
23. The American Tort Reform Association has ranked the state of California as the second worst “judicial hellhole” in America, and the worst state-wide “judicial hellhole”.
24. Absurd regulations in California have been increasing in number and scope, while also becoming significantly more problematic for operating businesses within CA.
25. According to the Milken Institute, operating costs for California businesses are 23 percent higher than the national average.
26. The state of California had the worst “small business failure rate” in America in 2010. It was 69 percent higher than the national average. They also have 4 out of the 5 cities in the category of “Top 5 Worst Places For Small Businesses“.
27. California has the third highest homelessness rate (Number of people homeless: 367 per 100,000).
28. Residential customers in California pay about 50 percent more for electricity than the national average.
29. The State of California has the lowest number of emergency departments per capita of any state (6.7 per 1 million people). They scored an F on the “Access to Emergency Care” Report Card.
30. Insane political correctness.
31. One California town is actually considering making it illegal to smoke in your own backyard.
32. The traffic around certain big cities in CA is ranked as the 1st and 3rd worst in the nation.
33. Los Angeles. (Do I really even need to explain?)
34. San Francisco.
35. Oakland.
36. Frivolous spending on unnecessary government services.
38. The rampant gang activity in the state gets even worse with each passing year. (Los Angeles is deemed the “Gang Capital of America”).
39. California’s violent crime rate is the 13th highest in the nation.
40. Back in 2010, the city attorney of San Bernardino, California told citizens to “lock their doors and load their guns” because there is not enough money to pay for adequate police protection any longer.
41. California is incredibly lawsuit happy, coming in as one of the Top 5 “Lawsuit Climate” states.
42. They have three of the top 10 most violent cities in the US.
43. In Stockton, the police budget cuts got so bad that the police union put up a billboard at one point with the following message: “Welcome to the 2nd most dangerous city in California. Stop laying off cops.”
44. California doesn’t respect the rights of parents. (Sound like socialist utopia yet?).
45. The absolutely insane California state legislature. Oh, and Jerry Brown.
46. Wildfires, mudslides, and impending giant earthquake.
47. 1.5 out of 10 drivers in the state do not have car insurance. California also has one of the lowest minimum coverage rates. This led California to being ranked #1 in the “Top 5 Riskiest States For Drivers“.
48. In the past decade, over 5 million people left California with only 3.9 million moving in. This has created a loss of over 1 million people, and a budget reduction of 26 billion in annual income.
49. Illegals control the state. Double-digit billions of dollars go to illegal immigrant aid-related expenses (such as housing, K-12 schooling, English supplementation courses, free college for the “undocumented”, healthcare, etc). This is after accounting for tax revenue they contribute.
50. California has the highest school system revenue of any state, but one of the Top 10 Lowest Per Pupil Spending.
51. Two fault lines in California have actually been discovered to be one mega fault line, that was labelled “locked, loaded, and ready to go“.
52. BIG UPDATE: California has surpassed Mississippi in the Poverty Capital of the United States in early 2018. California now has the highest poverty rate in the entire nation. Great job, guys.
53. Prop 47 has resulted in a virtual get out of jail free card. Police are forced to “catch and release” people that are caught with heroin, meth, crack, etc. This includes people with 13 + drug charges. This has dis-incentivized treatments, because it is a lot easier to just take a ticket than 18 months of rehab. Numerous drug treatment programs and courts have closed in high usage areas, and crimes have increased because criminals realize that they won’t actually face any punishment.
54. California’s Police Use of Force Policy does not allow officers to use deadly force when the offender’s only weapon is a vehicle. So if someone is mowing down innocent people or trying to run over police, LEOs are not authorized to shoot them.
55. Even the criminals think the California laws are ridiculous. Because of (Again, Prop 47) California laws, any theft under $900 is also a required “catch and release”. There was a known gang member near Palm Springs who had been caught with a stolen gun valued at $625 and then reacted incredulously when the arresting officer explained that he would not be taken to jail but instead written a citation. “But I had a gun. What is wrong with this country?” the offender said, according to the police report.
56. They were rated as one of the “Top 5 Worst States For Gun Owners” for being exhaustively restrictive on 2nd amendment rights. (Yet still has the 13th highest gun murder rate per capita and the 9th lowest gun ownership as % of the population).
57. You have to pay to not license your vehicle. (Courtesy of Guest Comment).
58. All dog bite cases are to be reported by the hospital to Animal Control. And if your own dog bites you, you will be fined. (Courtesy of Guest Comment).
59. California has gone so overboard on global warming/climate change that they have regulated cow farts. No, seriously.
60. California reduced KNOWINGLY transmitting HIV/AIDS to another person to just a “misdemeanor”. So be careful sleeping with anyone in Cali. They could give you AIDS and just get a slap on the wrist.
61. Hollywood sexual victimization.
62. The drug problem is so bad that state officials say things like this: “Many of the city’s intravenous drug users inject openly in public places such as parks and public transit stations, leaving dirty needles strewn about.” So what is their solution? To create “Safe Injection Sites” where drug users can go to shoot up, hang out, then leave. Maybe the drug problem wouldn’t be so bad without point #53, but the Californian legislature is too stupid to figure that out.
63. When looking at Americans burdened by housing costs, California has 7 of the top 20 ‘Cost Burdened %‘ metropolitan areas for renters, including #2 on the list, which is LA. It also has 9 out of 20 of the worst metro locations when looking at owners of houses.
64. California was ranked dead last (#50 out of 50 states) in “Quality of Life” by a U.S. News Study published this year.
65. The state has handed out over a million driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. (Which is all you need to vote).
66. Cali’s gun laws are constantly changing and are incredibly difficult to follow. And if you try in good faith to follow them, you may get raided by SWAT and hit with 12 felonies.
67. Cali also has the 3rd lowest average IQ in the entire nation (ranked by McDaniel’s Estimated Average IQ Score on all 50 US states)
68. Santa Barbara, CA recently imposed fines for establishments that provide plastic straws. Yes, seriously. And not a small fine, either. Offenses range from $1,000 to 6 months of jail time for EACH plastic straw provided. Councilman Jason Dominguez had this to say about it: “we can’t always count on common sense,” and therefore, “we have to regulate every aspect of people’s lives”. The definition of totalitarianism: “Totalitarianism is a political concept where the state recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to control every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible“. The councilman literally just said the definition of totalitarianism is their policy.
69. Three parts to this one (source for all 3):
70. California also holds the record for most wildfires by state since 2002 at a whooping 87,742, over 20,000 more than the next state on the list. This placed them at the top of the 2017 list for most wildfire prone states and ‘households at high or extreme risk of wildfire‘ (by households).
71. Cali is ranked 48th in “Overall Freedom” by Cato in FI5 (2018) which analyzes states by the policies that shape personal and economic freedom. The Golden State received the lovely title of “most cronyist state in the union“
72. This lovely state is the first in trying to normalize pedophilia by encouraging child sex play and telling parents to let their kids watch porn.
73. The State of California has now spent over $5 billion on its long-delayed high-speed rail project. Roughly the same amount of money that Democrats are refusing to provide President Donald Trump for his border wall proposal. They killed 73% of the bullet train, but are keeping 100% of the taxes. Expense for this ‘train to nowhere’ has increased from $33 billion to $98.1 billion. Remember: this is for a train. That’s $189 MILLION per mile.
74. Cali decided that it is offensive to have American flags on police cars. Yeah, they actually had complaints about the police department just because the cops wanted to put the flag of their country on the police cars.
75. The Bubonic Plague itself is likely already in California. Why? Well, due to the mounds and mounds of trash and overabundance of rats, obviously.
76. Rats. In fact, LA is now known as the “City of Rats” as its nickname.
77. San Francisco is ranked Number 1 in property crime in the entire United States.
78. Skid Row
79. The utility companies in California have to shutoff power to hundreds of thousands of people to stop wildfires because the state’s infrastructure is so horrible.
80. Cali implemented a zero-bail policy amid COVID-19 which has worked out how you would expect: one California man was arrested three times over the course of just 12 hours, including one instance of leading officers on a pursuit, and only given citations and released due to the new policy.
That’s all for now. Don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll have more soon. California has been no stranger to keeping this list growing over the years.
Read Next: 55 Reasons Why Socialism Sucks
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Exactly why me and my family left CA as soon as we humanely could
Smart choice Mat
Everything is geared toward the Wealthy who control the media in calif. My Dad passed with malpractice and i had clear proof. The hospital he was in owned the nursing home and ambulance company. The courts allow this collusion to go on and the law firms are for the rich by the rich. Get out of calif. while you still can!!!!
51. It’s full of liberals
Pretty accurate. ThoughtCo listed them as #1 for “Worst Places For Conservatives”
And some of the worst gun control laws in the nation
I am from South Africa and had a California dream but not anymore!!!
dude, South Africa’s is the worst place on the Earth next to Somalia
Darshan you speak like if Africa is better than California
At this point in time it MAY very well be!!
The VA here hates veterans. They try to put me in prison every time I try to get medical help.
Absolutely terrible. If you have the means, hop on over to Nevada. They’re a lot more kind to veterans there.
They Totally did
You have to pay to “not” license you vehicle.
The state requires a non operational fee on every vehicle that will not be driven on a street. Please help we are taxed to death here.
please send money we need it so our government can waste it.
California is the 6th largest economy in the world, GDP of 2.5 trillion, yet rape the middle class with any tax or fee you can imagine. Some, if you knew about, you would laugh and cry at your helplessness.
Largest economy does not mean “good” economy. An economy that is trillions of dollars in debt would still be considered a large economy.
This is precisely how Rome fell.
California has so many regulations, they can’t police them all so it advertises for people to tell on their neighbor and Californians are happy to do so. ie: during the drought, ads that said if you see your neighbor washing their car call this #, or if you suspect your neighbor is repairing their house, call the planning department to make sure they have permit. And so on…… Remember Hitler encouraging citizens to tell on Jews?
*compares Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party to drought management* we have a winner boys.
Because thats how the holocaust started and telling on your neighbor got even worse in East Berlin after WW2. Thats why studing history is so important. I am seeing whats going on now mimicking not only pre-ww2 but especially the social issues Vietnam had when the Japenese left. If you encourage entitlements the people are easier to control. And the # 1 reason POLITICIANS WANT IMMAGRANTS IS BECAUSE THEY GET MORE FUNDING IN THEIR CITY. DO YOU REALLY THINK THEY CARE?? No its all about getting the money for funding. They skim the top and take so much of it.
Wow, people like you are not just stupid but dangerous as well.
Drought management? How about temperature management, or cloud management? What you are really saying is that since Cali doesn’t have a market system for water-resource allocation, you must ‘report on your neighbor’ when you think they use too much of their water. Think about it.
Same mentality. Different scale.
The number one saddest reason why California sucks is that Native Californians think it’s normal to be this way because they have never felt the freedom of being on the outside. For that reason, it will never change.
It’s really disappointing, such a beautiful state. I just hope as more Californians move out to escape the terrible governmental structure they have setup, they don’t also bring the same problems with them (As we’ve seen in Oregon and now we’re seeing in places like Austin, Texas)
Not true, for me anyway. I am here because of my children, and I can hardly wait to get out of this hell-hole state when the time is right!
Denise,same here my wife wanted to move from the east coast.For the children who have nothing to do with me and use their mother as an unpaid baby sitter.I hate kalifornia and at my age will likely die in this crap hole,probably homeless and starving after these nuts vote in gruesome newsome.This state is hopeless even worse than NY a once great state run into the ground by that idiot cuomo
I hope you get the chance Denise.
Same with me,my wife wanted to move here because our two children moved into this hell hole,my son moved here two years ago got married now with a child and is complaining that the schools suck so bad he will have to send him to private school.And he will never be able to afford a house,even though they have a combined income of over 200,000 a year.And my wife and I are on a fixed income with no increases in income in the future.I hate it here,but my wife refuses to go back East
Yes unfortunately. I want to go to Texas and okan on hitting the road Aug 2019. I just hope that CA folks that go there don’t bring their garbage with them….if they have garbage.
I left California in 2017, and moved to Texas. Trust me I didn’t bring any crazy liberal ideologies with me, because I’m not liberal. Everything is cheaper for me now, and my pension isn’t taxed to death. California is a beautiful state but, it has been corrupted, and destroyed since 2001.
Thank you. Glad your here. Please vote.
They already are. In droves. Bad policies and all. California politics will eventually destroy the Texas economy.
Don’t mess with Texas!
Dam your right
Brown landscape
Thick smog that makes your eyes feel like theyre going to burst because it’s soo dirty and greasy
Overcast sun that will give you that desired tan everyone dreams of
Are californians going to man up and admit this state is a complete laughing stock?
Have you even ever been to cali? its not anything like that. The pollution is down and the weather is fine. Atleast we have opportunities here, and the weather is a lot nicer then other places so don’t act like cali is trash bc it’s not like ur states any better. And california is not a person dummy you can’t just have it get up and tell you its a laughing stock, people here grow up with opportunities and having illegal immigrants be able to get a drivers licenses is fine, they are only looking for a better life and it sure is better then leaving them homeless on the street.
You guys got it wrong Cali is the place to be, I understand your envy, California, continues to be the best state in America, the wealthiest, with the most opportunity. you can go back to your midwest if you want to watch the cows go by. nothing wrong if you want to be a farmer. let me tell you why you should live here, sunshine almost year round. national park galore. all the tacos you can eat.haha for all you racist.beautiful beaches. world class cities. fresh produce round year. top notch wine, giant trees. A diverse culinary scene, sports teams., excellent coffee. if you have a dream. for success, Hollywood, silicon valley. ect… been living here for over 50 years. and it keeps getting better. Be great if all the kool aid drinkers leave, that would bake California better. Thanks pathetic. you know what time it is.
I feel sorry for you, Alfonzo. I think the smog has gone to your head!
Sorry to say, but I actually feel bad for you, because you are twice as pathetic than any other state, including new Jersey, Alabama, etc.
Just don’t come to Texas please.
Native Californians are nothing like what you people are talking about. They can’t stand the SoCal attitude, are pragmatic, and are completely unrecognizable to the transplants and tourists who come to California from points East after watching one season too many of Entourage and quite literally, BECOME the Californians the rest of the country equates with Native Californians. So when you want to talk about what you hate about Native Californians look in the mirror and realize the people you hate came from where you are and now they play Californians in the streets.
I doubt they came from Kansas, we think California is the home of the Craziest people ever. We also despise the East Coasters. As a flyover state, we pray that none of you ever stop or stay. Take your crazy to the coasts and leave us alone. We are all just farmer rubes, nothing to see here.
Farmer rubes — you said it! I escaped Kansas in 1968 — whew!
I am a Native Californian and am not a liberal nor am I lacking in IQ. I see the governmental decay and want to get out of is while I still can (with some sanity still intact.)
Where are these natives? I was born in Vallejo California
And want to exit this insane Desert
Here’s another one to add to this list: We live in the liberal /illegal infested cesspool Contra Costa County. My neighbor was bitten by her toy poodle causing a small puncure wound. She when to the local hospital to get checked out. All dog bites cases are to be reported by the hospital to Animal Control per the nanny state government. The worse part of this: Animal Control was waiting at her door when she got home, and fined her $150.00 for her dog biting her.
Sadly, I wasn’t surprised reading that considering what state we’re talking about. Complete insanity.
You should replace point 37 with point 51. Because point 37 is the exact same thing as point 30 but just over simplified. If you want this to be taken legitimately you shouldn’t be redundant. Just a suggestion.
Appreciate the catch. Fixed it up
You forgot point 52. The fault line i gonna break any day now and send the whole state into the ocean… well I guess for the rest of us that’s a great thing in all honesty.
come on fault do your thing!!
Please let me leave first!
But when the disaster strikes, the feds will make all of us pay!
Piece of **** This Article
California is proof of how liberal policies work. California truly sucks and only an idiot would argue with that. America needs to wake up.
California needs ro wake up and take their state back. who keeps voting these communists in? The militia should be taking over that state, and locking Brown in prison with all his thugs,
And I thought Arizona was bad. I guess I’m staying in my home state for now. I’m not an “illegal” btw. In Arizona, “illegals” can be deported for about any reason. Mainly because of Former Sheriff Arpaio’s work. Anglos run Arizona. 70% is white. Unemployment rate is 7%. Almost all children pay for lunch. Arizona is the fourth worst state to educate your children. All the teachers are paid minimum wage ($10 AZ, $10.50 CA). The teachers in Cali are the highest paid, yet they are the worst at math and reading. Also “illegals” run the California because they want it back. “Illegals” reproduce like crazy and are on welfare. Just like black people.
Arizona is just ridiculously hot. Guess this time of year it wouldn’t be too bad though.
Jose Ramirez, you are one ignorant MTV. Do your research before writing dumn story lies.
only 70% White??? Shame it isn’t 100%
Ugh gosh darn those illegals. How dare they try to seek a better life and opportunities. Pisses my conservative ass off.
Just keep beating that conservative straw man while ignoring California’s imploding infrastructure…
You’re a dumb ass. If California really had more of the truly wonderful “illegals” I have met along the way, CA would be an amazing state. It is dumb shits like you who confuse people who want a better life with the lovers of sh!t who want to take advantage of horrible legislation that no longer protects those who want a better life. I wanted a better life when I move here 30 years ago. I’ve see. It go to hell and I want out. You are exactly what is horrible about California. Hiding behind the “illegal”, “just want a better life” propaganda bullshit while you break into our cars and homes, careful to not steal over $950 to support your drug habit, screw you
Oh lest we forget 3 more reasons Cali really sucks… Pelosi… Waters… Schaffer… Y’all can have em!
No thank you.
Don’t forget about Newsome too.
Oh how can I stop…Hollywood liberals… Perhaps the epitome of the word hypocrites…
The Hollywood liberals should take in 1 immigrant family per month, feed them, give them healthcare. Not one of them would do it. They get on the social humanitarian bandwagon as a means of reconciling their guilt over their depraved lives.
I believe everything was said on this topic. I couldn’t agree more. Plus illegals has audacity to drive around with no drivers license and no insurance. Stressful states and expensive. I think reason why expensive sothat we can push illegals not able to live on this state.
All & Only White countries are bringing in millions of non-Whites.
All & Only White people are demanded to “mix” with them to prove they aren’t “naziswhowanttokill6millionjews.”
All & Only White children are expected to become minorities and eventually extinct EVERYWHERE.
So called “anti-racists” are the ones demanding these anti-White policies. It’s Genocide.
Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.
Sadly only a select few Millennials understand this like me. Most have been brainwashed by the liberal media to think that being white is somehow wrong. Ridiculous.
I am not white, but to shame white people for being white is crazy. Black supremacy is BS. What happened to merit and qualifications? Actions having consequences? America needs to grow up and stop acting like children. Liberals are all idiots. and Democrats are best friends with the idiots. TRUMP 2020 is the only way, sadly.
God Bless you , dude. God Bless
I lived there in 2016 and it is one of the worst places I’ve ever been to. The people are awful traffic is awful. Things are overpriced. San Francisco is full of bums who harass you. The bart is scary and the employees (government workers) let the thugs run wild on the trains.
For all the Cali haters
Being a conservative from Northern California (and yes, from Northern California I mean farther north than San Francisco), I agree with all 64 items in this extensive but certainly not comprehensive list. Although to put things in perspective, we are still blessed to live in a free Country, a concept that not everyone in the World can claim. Lord willing, as a future Highway Patrol Officer and cattle rancher, I will do all within my power to remove some of these items from the list.
Thanks for the kind comment, I agree completely. Best of luck to you.
yea right! I just got a ticket from one of our chp officer’s here in Jefferson state. 732.00. you guy’s are no better than the politicians.
The police officers enforcing the laws do not decide how much tickets cost. That is down to your municipal government leaders. Idiot.
Thank you to law enforcement! Your comment was two years ago. I wonder if you’ve been defunded and disarmed because slavery existed here PRIOR TO 1861. So, law and order are up for debate because of something that didn’t happen to a single person alive in the United States today?
Does anyone get how privileged we are in this country? Every single one of us, regardless of color! Don’t believe me? Move to a third world country and see how you like it. Move to parts of Africa or the Middle East where you can experience religious beheadings, race wars and genocide. Do you not understand you are being used by a bunch of elites in Washington? Dear unemployed little white, black, blue, green, pink (or whatever) boys and girls who are protesting, destroying business and being a general burden to society in the name of BLM, you are being USED (like LBJ used the minority cause for shameless self promotion- read his own words in “Path to Power”) and our fantastic black brothers and sisters who actually DID endure the horrors of slavery would take one look at the opportunities and freedoms you are squandering and be royally ashamed of you. So, here in 2020, I hope this guy (Mr. Johnson, future highway patrolman) has not been raped by political correctness and BLM protestors for taking the oath to protect and serve good law abiding citizens. Hey protestors, get a real job.
LOL.. “Illegals control the State…?” That’s an understatement. Illegals control the whole damn country.. And the racist ones are the worst of em all. Bunch of super ignorant, self centered, propaganda eaters, with closed minds and pea brains.. Always complaining, whining and crying about what they want, who they don’t like, how everybody else the problem… like they’re perfect respectable citizens and a joy to be around.
I would love to see those diptards crying about immigration and yelling how immigrants ruin everything…while a crowd of real Americans (Native Americans) are just standing behind their moronic asses, nodding their heads in agreement. Laughing at the immigrants crying about immigrants…. lol
Bunch a grown ass people acting like little kids who don’t want to share any of the toys they stole, from the people they stole them from. Like the world is supposed to cater to their dumb asses. lol
Not stolen conquered. Americans came, we conquered and we are enjoying the spoils.
The problem in this country isn’t guns.. it’s stupid ass selfish racist people. Everyone thinks they have something intelligent to say about what and who the real problem is and how to fix it, and yet they can’t even be honest with themselves, let alone each other. It’s always the minorities fault, never theirs.. Like there’s no way that greed, selfishness, hate and anger could be the cause of it all… Comedy!
Just brilliant… Bravo! smh
Whites are oppressed in California.
Finally! Somebody adequate said it.
I haven’t seen one problem on this brilliant list that other States don’t have. The fact Texas was mentioned as a better place say’s it all..
Do you have any idea how much they cost the state! And how much crime they commit! You are taking in a family to completely support and take care of right! Medical, education, housing, food, clothing and anything else that they need. Oh and make sure they don’t commit any more crimes!
That’s because ur an ignorant moron Cali sucks and Texas is a lot better so it should be on the list. Most states do not have these problems that California has California sucks hope it sinks into the ocean
Because you obviously didn’t read the article you dishonest piece of trash.
I can’t afford college in CA due to being middle class and not being given financial aid.
I have lived in california for most my life. I did get out about 3 years ago and took my whole family with me. Life for us now has completely changed for the good. In California I was renting a one bedroom apartment for 1000 dollars a month and now that same apartment is renting for thirteen hundred dollars in just 3 years. Now my sister called me up the other day (crying) because she can’t make it in California any more. I told my sister to pack your things and bring your kids to my house. We live in a 5 bedroom house outside of California ( it only took my wife and i three years to buy a house in oregon.) The good news is we got this beautiful house on the river for less payments than the one bedroom apartment in California. I just can’t understand why ‘anybody would raise a family in this corrupted state. My wife and all our friends agree that the Democrats have run that state right into the ground. and i got news for you ( It’s only going to get worse, .
We pay 2,400 a month for a crapapartment in LA with no one in the management listens to you when things fall apart,they don’t care ! I paid the same for a beautiful co op back East that was four rooms with tennis courts,a huge pool,front desk service and more.My wife chose to come here because of the”children”
Pretty much everything is illegal….fireworks, fires on the beach, walking a dog on or near a beach, parking too long, going for a hike without an “Adventure Pass” you seriously cannot make this stuff up….did I mention the cost of gas and vehicle fees? Ouch!!
Too many reasons to leave kalifornia for a low living state; look out for the california collapse coming soon to a theater near you.
Recently their legislator has passed a cruddy censorship law to be fought over in the senate… so you could add that Californians are totally willing to flush free speech down the toilet.
Well, in that case, some idiot will report this thread as “racist” against the “race known as Californians”. Kinda like these same idiots think “illegal immigrant” is a race. Amazing.
even the criminal with the stolen gun thinks this is stupid
Californians tend project California problems as US problems. For example, most police violence happens in California, yet Californians claim that all police are violent and racist, even though racist cops are really only a problem they and other big cities deal with.
Yeah i got a new one to the list # 66 Most people from LA are self centered bunch of assholes that think there better than everybody else, when in reality there personality sucks !
Same with people in San Fransisco… or really the Bay Area. Or maybe… just all of California? I can’t wait to leave and go back to the East coast.
Here’s what cracks me up. MSNBC actually consults experts like Shawn Penn on how the US military can assist in the pandemic. True story. Media that consults as experts those who are by far the most out of touch with reality and the real world than any human on the planet–celebrities in Los Angeles. Wow.
What a shithole
Hey Hey Hey. Bill never was the great pillar of morality he always “pretended” to be. The man is a reincarnated evil spirit, and as such. he has no soul. It is PSYCHOPATHS that have no souls, not gingers!!!
The difference between Dr. Huxtable and Mr. Cosby is this:
Mr. Cosby has no soul and is incapable of compassion or remorse.
Dr. Huxtable has a soul, unconditionally loves his family, and goes to church.
Dr. Huxtable also knows when to cut out the humor and comfort someone in pain.
Mr. Cosby always did hate going to church. … unless it was to scoff at the pastor.
Mr. Cosby is an atheist.
Dr. Huxtable is a general spiritualist with strong Christian leanings.
Mr. Cosby is a closeted racist who doesn’t like white folks. He also holds long standing grudges.
Dr. Huxtable cares about ALL PEOPLE. He is quick to forgive, but slow to forget.
Mr. Cosby = Democrat. All for gun control.
Not Dr. Huxtable
Too bad Cliff Huxtable ain’t nothin’ but a LIE!!!
I’m just waiting for the fault line to go. As Tool said, “Learn to swim, I’ll see you down in Arizona Bay.” I lived in California for a while while in the military and for 18 months after getting out. Leaving there was like escaping a concentration camp.
Then you can have that ocean front property in Arizona you’ve always wanted…….right?
thank the lord I was born in West Michigan
California has 654 state agencies,I recently moved to Missouri and they have 56 ,why would a state need 600 more then another state ,that’s the left ,more government ,more taxes,more nothing for the people except higher cost
wish the quake would come and take California liberals with it
To get a drivers license it cost you 70 dollars. 35 dollars for the non compliant one and 35 dollars for the real ID one. Can’t fly, buy a gun, etc without a real ID one.
Well, this is spot on. I moved to California in 1978. I thought it was the most beautiful state, and it was. However, with the continued political party that runs this state, California has become the place to be from. And never to return. Can not wait to leave and that is just around the corner.
You can have uninsured motorist coverage and be stuck by an unlicensed, uninsured, illegal who is cited as the as fault driver. Be injured in that accident resulting in 15% permanent mobility loss, over 10k in damages to a state facility and the at fault illegal driver Is inly fined $85 and the law allows him to sue your uninsured motorist coverage to cover their injuries instead of your own. True story, happened to my dad.
This is why California needs to be sunk into the ocean
That is absolutely horrible! Very sorry to hear this happened to your father. Cannot tolerate this state. Save the scenery it’s the worst place we’ve ever lived.
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Appreciate the kind words, friend.
68. Santa Barbara approved an ordinance on July 17th, 2018 to ban plastic straws in establishments and violators who give people straws can face up to 6 months in jail and up to a $1000 fine for each offence. This ordinance goes into effect in 2019.
Joe, thanks for this glorious find. That one is definitely going in the list.
So dumb and yet u can be illegal and nothing happens to u
Fascinating. Maybe the other states of the union should begin discussions about “committing” the State of California to a mental health facility. It obviously won’t go voluntarily. Can we carve it out and ship it back to England?
Weather is hot and itchy no matter the season. You’d be lucky if you can get any rain or a cool day.
I’m a hardworking contractor and 3rd generation Santa Barbaran. I now hate this state. YUK! Deep corruption in every city. Illegals with attitude and just downright weird and rude people everywhere.
John Frank, bye felicia
What a childish response from someone with a clearly low IQ
Responding to a clearly racist and prejudice filled response, and he chose to approach it wit humor. Harmless humor. And you resort to calling him stupid, so I’m led to believe that you’re a hick who went to got lucky to go to high school and luckily has access to a computer. Am I right in saying it? No! Jesus christ everyone here acts like California is uniform. Everyone is liberal, everyone is pc, everything is illegal, it’s like you guys don’t understand the concept of variability. I’m not gonna sit here and try to convince you that it’s perfect, but in the same way that you’re glad that you don’t live here for things like liberals, taxes, and political correctness. I’ve heard citizens here being glad for not living in the “Hick town mid west” or in the “stupid south”. But of course, wherever you are, you can attest to the fact that most generalizations are not even close to representing where you’re from.. Most here seem to lack any sense of perspective and critical thinking, but you, you take the cake. “A clearly low IQ” reeks of an inflated ego, and your name is Doug. It’s an ugly name.
Your a moron illegal immigrants are not s race Dumbass. California sucks hope u all fall into the ocean and ur state disappears. Cali sucks
Illegals don’t belong here he has a right to complain idiot
Everyone has a right to want better. If you want to talk about illegals lets go back to the beginning of California history. Bet you’re an illegal too
Mexico the cowardly government
Had a bunch of literal rapist soldiers roam the countryside in search of fun!!!
Bye bye
Heard of disgusting Pancho Villa?
Your hero ?
No humans illegal
Then all Europeans should come here
And build a real so ciety
Immediately kick out all the boarder hoppers
Along with ms13
And all the other disgusting freaks
Why cant they deal with the fact alot of people including Mexicans dont want them here
This the USA. Not south America!!! Illegals do nt belong here. WE HAVE BORDERS JUST LIKE ALL COUNTRIES. Why the hell does the law enforcement not stop them at the border???? THESE CRIMINALS, THIEFS, MURDERERS AND SICK SOUTH AMERICANS; IN PARTICULAR MEXICANS. These criminal aliens don’t want to be here. They are here because we are not enforcing the US laws. They steel your money, our jobs are lost, our pay is low as hell. They are stealing yours and my money!! GET IT!!! Remember the MINUTE MEN that had to sit outside their homes in the southern states because these ugly Mexicans committed crimes on their properties and invaded their homes;!!! I now had my job stolen, ripped from me 4-20 , No EDD payments (they have given that money for the past 450 days to illegals). IS THIS LAW AND ORDER??? Justice?
I do not unerstand . All you people in racist CA voted for Dems for the past 20+ years. What gives. This is your doing!!!
No not all of us voted democrat. Northern Californians are mostly voting Republican. We live in the part of the state that has all the resources but lack the population. We are not represented because we are not the majority. People in the North are completely different from folks in the South. Another thing worth noting. Most politicians are giving so much money and services to illegal immigrants, because they are buying their votes. All you need to vote here is a drivers license. Most illegals have a valid California drivers license.
Northern Cali needs to secede. But then you’d probably just get overrun by Cali refugees like what happened with Oregon and Washington.
I’m in my late 60’s and was born and raised in Southern California. My husband and I raised our daughters there, too. We have wonderful memories of California as it used to be. Especially in the 60’s and 70’s. After the ‘08 recession, we temporarily moved to Northern California to build homes for 5 years. Northern California has wonderful, down to earth people who believe in hard work and community.
Our plan was to move to Charleston, South Carolina so we could be closer to our daughters and grandchildren. We have been in Charleston for 4 years now and we love it here. It’s wonderful being in a state that generally supports our political beliefs. I’m grateful that we could make the move. I love my home state but it’s changed almost beyond recognition in so many ways. Very sad. Such a beautiful state with so much potential.
It is a shame it has fallen in the ways it has.
There are millions of lawful immigrant applicants who have to wait because illegals jump the cue. And what is the idiotic idea that “illegal immigrant” is a race? Must be a California education at work. Yikes.
At least ppl in middle America and the south are nice and normal and less pollution and regulations and less housing costs
Are you f.. kidding me? Cali sucks a lot because of the “variability” …… of illegal immigrants. This f.. state gives money to anybody for being illegal. I am paying taxes that go for support of illegal immigrants.
It is horrifying; but I found out that the corrupt Dems are behind it all> Please President Trump come back; you are legally our PRESIDENT.
I was just looking at a page that lists IQ by state. The ones on the bottom of the list have the highest number of blacks and Hispanics, the ones on the top the lowest. You PC liberals should consider not insulting the black man by insulting the south.
1. Massachusetts: 104.3
2. New Hampshire: 104.2
3. North Dakota: 103.8
4. Vermont: 103.8
5. Minnesota: 103.7
6. Maine: 103.4
7. Montana: 103.4
8. Iowa: 103.2
9. Connecticut: 103.1
10. Wisconsin: 102.9
11. Kansas: 102.8
12. New Jersey: 102.8
13. South Dakota: 102.8
14. Wyoming: 102.4
15. Nebraska: 102.3
16. Virginia: 101.9
17. Washington: 101.9
18. Ohio: 101.8
19. Indiana: 101.7
20. Colorado: 101.6
21. Pennsylvania: 101.5
22. Idaho: 101.4
23. Oregon: 101.2
24. Utah: 101.1
25. Missouri: 101
26. New York: 100.7
27. Michigan: 100.5
28. Delaware: 100.4
29. N. Carolina: 100.2
30. Texas: 100
31. Illinois: 99.9
32. Maryland: 99.7
33. Rhode Island: 99.5
34. Kentucky: 99.4
35. Oklahoma: 99.3
36. Alaska: 99
37. W. Virginia: 98.7
38. Florida: 98.4
39. S. Carolina: 98.4
40. Georgia: 98
41. Tennessee: 97.7
42. Arkansas: 97.5
43. Arizona: 97.4
44. Nevada: 96.5
45. Alabama: 95.7
46. New Mexico: 95.7
47. Hawaii: 95.6
48. California: 95.5
49. Louisiana: 95.3
50. Mississippi: 94.2
can you provide the name of the article and publication? thanks very much.
100 is average. These stats are useless. The differential is statistically insignificant.
I libes in Illinoi and Forida and we are not dumby states. My kids all have college degrees and one will be getting a masters in educationn at Havard.
Glad I’m in the upper 3rd. ?
Yeah, only big city communist BIGOTS say that crap about the South and Midwest. I live in the Bay Area and most of the people here are awful sanctimonious kents just like you.
Are you kidding? The rest of the country laughs at this state
All of it
Where are the conservatives that care soo much? They’re probably hiring illegals along with their Democrat chums playing golf in LA Jolla
Apparently you have trouble understanding reality
I am here!!! CA is so corrupt due to destructive Democratic tech companies!!!
Lawlessness and Civil Rights Violations currently in the state of CA.
I “lost” my position 518 days ago. Traumatic and senseless. I have now on top of “breathing “difficulties noticed civil rights violations and discrimination in the wording for posted jobs at job sites. SimplyHired and Indeed among others. This is by the employers as well as the Recruiters. As a career professional and private citizen, the wording that has now appeared on job sites are discriminatory and a civil rights violation since the position has nothing to do with my private life. These are job postings. I am devastated over this 2nd ”loss” of my job (was laid off summer of 2017) and now out of work for over 518 days. I HAVE THE RIGHT TO WORK. I love what I do.
Businesses, Sacramento Capitol and County offices has inflicted as of today, for the past 518 days, inhumane mental and physical abuse to people and their children: i.e. Mental and physical torturing, battering and Civil Rights Violations. The state of CA has a child abuse epidemic! Every teacher in CA should be put in prison for child abuse; every parent should be punished for severe child abuse. Sacramento, all businesses, the communist death camp, a.k.a cdc will pay for their inhumane treatment against us professionals (who had our jobs stolen) and our kids. The severe damage these entities, employers, businesses, and the state, will NOT go unpunished. The severe physical and mental damage you have inflicted for the past 518 days by forcing us to wear suffocating face garbage and depriving me of oxygen; will come at a price. Parents will pay dearly and will have NO right to complain come next year and thereafter and will “pay” for the mental and physical abuse of their children! Teacher’s paranoia (which is an illness), repulsive and atrocious attitudes and non-actions; refusal to educate our kids and the theft of MY TAX DOLLARS will hit them HARD the coming year and beyond!
You are letting in Foreigners at our US border! I do not see any of the CA State officials or the Feds sticking needles in them!!! I do not see any of these illegals, murderers, rapists, child abusers, women beaters, drug riddled Mexicans and these south american’s ( and others you are letting into my country ILLEGALLY) wearing dog muzzles (they serve NO purpose) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CA is a lawless, hateful, racist and CORRUPT state.
FYI; Physician – Patient confidentiality
Whoever said the “stupid south”. The high school I went to in louisiana was ranked #1 in the entire counrty. Since california is ranked lowest IQ’s in the counrty, I would sit this one out if I were you.
Thats all you have ? Bye Felicia?
A excerpt from a retarded movie ?
No bye liberals democrats
Your not needed here
You know you are quickly disassembling a once great place to live
Now California is resembling a burnt pile of excrement
San Francisco
Aids needles
Heroin needles
Mass amounts of Homeless
Human feces
Los Amgeles
Insanely high rents
Illegals committing murder
One million licenses for illegal citizens
Totally corrupt and stupid
What could be a beautiful state
Is a overproced pile of garbage
With rat infested palm trees
Enjoy your phony paradise
You’re disgusting
California is more disgusting!
It has been corrupt for so long; (I DID NOT KNOW THIS BECAUSE I AM A SINGLE PARENT) Because of the racist, hateful B. Obama and all the racist people in Sacramento and all the HYPOCRITES, RUDE, INTISOCIAL, HATEFUL, men women and children in PALO ALTO, MENLO PARK, MOUNTAIN VIEW AND LOS ALTOS; I NEED 9K to leave/MOVE. This has been on my mind since the state and the county stole my income, my lively hood and my JOB!! I made the decision that I AM LEAVING BUT I AM SO UPSET BECAUSE I HAVE NO ASSISTANCE FROM THE STATE OF CA. THERE WE GO WITH THE HATE AND THE CORRUPTION!!!
I feel your pain.
Democrat run **** HOLE
There schools prohibit wearing the u.s flag. Talk about adding to the pile of shit that this state is.
It’s maddening. Not being able to wear the flag of your own nation in your own home country is completely asinine.
4 U.S. Code § 8 – Respect for flag
(a) The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.
(b) The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, the floor, water, or merchandise.
(c) The flag should never be carried flat or horizontally, but always aloft and free.
(d) The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. It should never be festooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds, but always allowed to fall free. Bunting of blue, white, and red, always arranged with the blue above, the white in the middle, and the red below, should be used for covering a speaker’s desk, draping the front of the platform, and for decoration in general.
(e) The flag should never be fastened, displayed, used, or stored in such a manner as to permit it to be easily torn, soiled, or damaged in any way.
(f) The flag should never be used as a covering for a ceiling.
(g) The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.
(h) The flag should never be used as a receptacle for receiving, holding, carrying, or delivering anything.
(i) The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever. It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. Advertising signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown.
(j) No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform. However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organizations. The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing. Therefore, the lapel flag pin being a replica, should be worn on the left lapel near the heart.
(k) The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.
Have you used your brain? You cant wear any flags. LITERAL flags. But if its a shirt or a design its good. fucking IDIOT
In his or her defense, LMAO is probably California educated.
Any of you living in California are probably subject to a $1000.00 fine just for reading this list.
10k and 3 months jail for a second offense
And let us not forget the wildfires, and increased air pollution from it. Double the air pollution for those wildfire days. I can’t wait to get out of here!
They say the air pollution travels all the way to New York City. Best of luck to your attempted escape.
I’ve personally lived in California going on for 2 years. This is one of the worst states I’ve lived in, the pollution is so bad that my sinuses are messed up, and giving me bad Acme. Traffic is horrible, takes almost a hour just going 3 miles down the road, 90% of restaurants are Asian based, cost of living is insane, not to mention the homeless problem, everyone is so close to one another, you can hear your neighbor fart, gotta pay taxs on everything, your word means nothing out here, try to be friendly you’ll get stabbed, or even looked at like a extraterrestrial. Only good thing is here, are the beaches, even that gets old seeing, I highly recommend to avoid this hole at all cost.
Worse than the perpetrators of the 911 attacks, the California government is our Number 1 enemy. Its dastardly doings is spreading east as well. When will people fight back against these terrorist?
This is a great report and the only troublesome part is that a large number of CA residents are either unaware of it, numb to it, or too intoxicated to react to it. It they weren’t they’d be in Sacramento protesting, Not protesting the presidential election results. The Latinos have all but taken over the state via illegal entry and a high rate of live births. Yet so many people go around thinking this is utopia. It was close to it in the 60s and 70s but no more. If people don’t wake up shout now they may not get to later.
One thing that should be added to this which agrees with the one posters comment about people sucking. is the pervasive self-entitlement attitude. People won’t even make eye contact with another person or give a simple smile like it will cost them something. And so many of them think nothing of parking in a handicap space because it;’s empty and their deadbeat ass is too lazy to walk an extra 10 steps. It wouldn’t be that way if more people were decent but it shows how much people’s respect and consideration for others has declined. It’s systemic.
Have had quite a few comments about the “attitude” in Cali. Would love to incorporate it into the list, but trying to keep it source-stocked. If I happen to find some facts to back it up I’ll definitely be tossing it in. The culture that ends up spreading in geo-areas is definitely systemic, it’s a shame. Definitely agree that in the 60s and 70s Cali seemed like such an amazing place compared to now.
Thanks for the comment(s) Ronald.
80’s were a great time too! It started to go downhill with the dot com boom in the 90’s which transferred a lot of people into the state.
And just an FYI, I’m born & raised in Cali, as a majority of people on this post say they live here but are ready to move back to _____ they’re from – most people that live in Cali aren’t from here , so where do you think the “attitude” is coming from if 80% of your readers say they live here, but aren’t from here?
Outsiders who moved here and/or immigrated here are what has changed California and created the bad attitude. I smile all day long at people and get dagger looks in return. 90% of my friends are not born and raised here- they’re not from here. Most of my friends from California left in the past decade or two. California is a majority foreigner state now – any complaints coming from people not born and raised here should be addressed to themselves and their fellow out of towners- you made California what it is today.
I started going down hill when they got rid of the death penalty.
we definitely need help vote red cant believe what’s happening in our state absolutely crazy ?
No insurance on a vehicle that broke down SIX MONTHS ago?
No problem. Just pay the $14 reinstatement fee, AFTER YOU PAY $355 per year to register A PICK UP TRUCK.
California logic at its best.
Its such a shame but i have to agree, the golden era of California faded decades ago. For me its the people i didnt care for. Ive lived in San Diego, LA. And the bay area. It just sucks the positive life out of you. San Diego being my favorite of the 3. Its just so soulless, pretentious, and void of down to earth people. Especially the bay area.
Waaaay to many illegals and non-conformist foreigners. It has been destroyed, and any worthwhile people are and have left. I think silicon Valley is the worst place ive ever spent time. Social awkward indifference. The Tech industry has ruined palo alto all the way up to SF. No sense of real community, just drones going to work avoiding eye contact.
Just people not giving a shit about anyone outside anything they know. Its just depressing. Ive been out here a year and am so looking forward to getting out! I dont know how people do it. You have two choices here, Become phony and souless, or get the fuck out. I am choosing the latter.
Im very glad you mentioned the bay area/silicon valley. Im in SoCal and despise it. Family is urging me to go up the the bay area but I have been questioning it as I don’t like California in general (mostly the people. ) I needed to hear an opinion from someone other than my Ca worshipping family to tell me what its really like in the Bay area. I hope you are finding a better place to head towards.
Happiness come with in, if you’r happy now, you can be happy anywhere in the world. or you can just be miserable and stay where you are. I Love Los Angeles, been living over 40 years, it Amazing so much to do. so many opportunities. so many cultures. If you listen to negative people they will bring you down. and keep you down. yes it’s prize but it’s worth every penny.
So true, 3rd worlders have ruined this country. When you bring in 3rd worlders you turn into a 3rd world.
This sums it up perfectly… I lived in HB, CA would travel to LA. It’s not everyday you notice a bad person, but it is all over the social media pages with just pretentiousness.
Also the job market while great, is difficult to break into unless you have a lot of experience, so many graduates like myself have been working minimum wage jobs for years… its really sad.
I regret growing up here, in a way its a beautiful place with beautiful weather, but if you aren’t wealthy, and aren’t socially acceptable of every bit of news that doesn’t directly involve you then you won’t fit in.
It’s also so difficult to find a genuine partner to date, for me as a male it has been so disheartening, if a female is reading this, it isn’t one thing or another but they can be defensive, insecure or downright negative to you as young man trying to be kind and also act with an individual mindset.
It’s almost surreal… I agree i’m not perfect, but the way people act in dating here is almost sickening. This is facts, and honestly I’ve really enjoyed most foreign women if they weren’t already affected by California’s attitude (it’s sad they grow up here and become pretentious as well…).
best of luck but it hasn’t changed in 10-15 I’ve been trying to meet someone, I think I’m done and will meet someone who isn’t from here.
To me, LA and the surrounding areas have always felt like a huge tourist attraction with transplants that are extremely friendly and those like other commenters have mentioned are completely absorbed into the news, media heavy agenda CA is known for.
My complaint is people aren’t real anymore, lets change that. But heck I may move soon
I absolutely agree with you! It sucks the life out of a person. Financially, emotionally, and socially!’ Superficial people who have to have a designer purse and avoid eye contact. And the arrogance. 22 years in Bay Area. I want to get out of here so bad. Political correctness overload and no religion is what a lot here are.
There is no longer competition for elections. Authoritarian socialists (leftists) have legalized “ballot harvesting” and implemented a “top two” general election rule, making it almost impossible for conservative candidates to even appear on the ballot. Don’t expect California to ever reverse its globablist agenda until it fails so miserably that it has to be turned over to the feds.
Let’s hope that transfer to the feds happens sooner, rather than later.
Warrantone, you have hit the nail on the head. People just have no clue how this has made this state a on party tyranny.
absolutely agreed. With the exodus of people and Newsom being a big tax person it should accelerate. What will also accelerate it is when people from all over the nation start stepping up to provide illegal aliens assistance in coming to california where they are now offered free healthcare. We need to get the word out and help these people get to these sanctuary states. Let them shoulder the cost. Watch how many more flee and how fast the economy crumbles.
I grew up in the PNW with freedom and wide open spaces. There weren’t many rules and people were genuine. Yes some were genuinely jerks, most were genuinely cool. but at least genuine. A few random states later and I have ended up in southern California for the past 7 years. 7 years and not a genuine friendship made. Shady, hollow, very superficial people with zero tact or manners live here. I have never felt so alone.
The taxes here are a joke. I have added up ALL the taxes paid in CA .and I could have bought a mansion and paid for it outright in so many other states. Gas, utilities, parking, events, medical bills, are all outrageously expensive in CA. Why is food so expensive when it comes from less the 20 miles away? So many corrupt police, seen first hand, numerous occasions, and then constantly getting sued and fired for misconduct. Difficult to get a job where you don’t speak Spanish. Really? Is this America or no?
Unfortunately I am surrounded by ding dong CA. lovers. Majority of my family lives all over this forsaken state and think it s Eutopia. Well I think it sucks! Spouse is all rattling on about moving to Palm Springs now. ….. I’m like WHAAAAT? Yeah I am over the California dream or rather the Mirage. Crowded, dumpy and covered in homeless people who attack and scream at me just about everywhere and I live in the fancy part!. I have only had 1 year out of 7 where I am not being asked to serve jury duty. The streets are sh***y for how much taxes are paid and the quality of the water is well, its embarrassing. I have never liked living so that I can hear every argument each neighbor has and I don’t like trying to get out in to nature only to be told I have to stay behind all the ropes. Im not one that does well with a million restrictions so SoCal to me has been claustrophobic.
In the Northwest hubby used to fix things around the house and cuddle up by warm fires with me. Not here, its all tank tops and trying not to melt our faces off. Fixing things? No , no, men go lazy in CA. and wimpy …and bitchy. Long gone are roasted marshmallows naked by the fire. Nope here its go stare at the girls in bikinis and live paycheck to paycheck. Why do people want to be poor for all this and why are the oblivious Californians so proud of having so little? There is a better way folks,,just GTF out! I hope to very soon.
After all my venting I just have to state the absolute joy I have when I hear a Californian complain about the rain. Oh- how I laugh. I respond, “well maybe it will wash away some of the stink?” Of course it never does …. and the braindead Californian gives me a blank stare.
You forgot to mention that their flag contains words. Seriously that’s uncool.
I know I spent the entire article bashing on Cali, but if there is one thing that I like about the state, it is the flag.
52 Mini bikes are not allowed to be ridden Which sucks!
I am from Mongolia and I live in California. This CA state makes me sick in everyway! People can’t drive here! Colored people (thats what they call themselves, too) racist within each other then they complain whites being racist! I dont feel safe and see a future! I thought of America different but hopefully its only here in CA!
Go back to your 3rd world if you don’t like it here.
California is 3rd world she should move to a better state
Yes, that’s the Californian mentality: we are the first, and others are the third world. Not acceptance of any critique. Knowing absolutely nothing about the world outside their perfect bubble. That’s why this state sucks, and nothing can fix it, except some natural disaster.
The overwhelming consensus in this Country across the political spectrum is that we fully welcome immigrants. Liberalism confuses illegal aliens with immigrants and try to constantly frame americas overwhelming opposition to illegal aliens with immigrants. California leads the way. In fact California doesn’t really care about you as an immigrant unless you are here illegally. That is another democratic voter and that is all they care about. I have lived all over this wonderful Country. I was raised in New Jersey, Spent a good deal of time in Florida, Lived in TX, NC, CO, MD, PA, and so many other states. California is the only one I will not miss at all. some of the people yes. Landscape yes Overall this state is the most racist, intolerant, bigoted, nasty place I have ever lived in my entire life. I would look at someplace outside of California if you really want to feel welcome to assimilate and actually be part of a community rather than a bumper sticker that liberals can parade around to make them feel relevant and morally superior.
I would also mention the profound ignorance of some of the comments here. as you can see there are people actually stupid enough to attack you for agreeing with them and not realizing they are doing it. Unfortunately there are idiots everywhere. I can almost assure you that you will have a better experience if you leave California
Yah! Like mongolia(china) is a much better place eh, “dorj”? Good thing about America is that unlike a lot of other 3rd world cesspits out there, you can actually LEAVE the US if it doesn’t suit ya. Get it?
California is just a population ponzi scheme, so much that we are suffocating in a sea of smog here in LA (hence all of us mouth breathers trying to extract as much oxygen as we can.)
Ridiculous car registration late fees.
Increases population means lower wages relative to the cost of living. Makes workers more replaceable.
Too many 3rd worlders (legal and illegal) here in California. Its expected that 75 million more immigrants will invade America by 2060 and guaranteed more than half will be headed to California. 3rd world status is all but guaranteed now. Thanks liberal globalists!
Mental health care isn’t available. All the providers are over booked or not accepting new clients.
That’s because the whole state is full of liberal loonies.
Now some of the Californians are coming to Nevada….Would be great but unfortunately they are turning it into the same craphole that they moved from. Drive like idiots, Inconsiderate attitudes. Driving Real Estate prices up…(good because when one of them buys our house…We will make a boatload of money off the fools) but Bad for other folks that have been trying to save to buy a home and now its too late. Traffic has become similar to California now..Happy to say that we will be moving somewhere east….Would say where but the tools from Cal would probably follow us there too! Now please don’t think that we feel that all Californians are bad, there are some great folks there and unfortunately they too have been “trapped” by that bag of a state.
Oh. They will. It’s like a disease.
Sick and tired of Californians ruining Idaho.STAY OUT
um… they are moving there to get OUT of Cali… i’m pretty sure they wouldn’t ruin your precious state if they are getting out of it…
Your comment makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. The person complaining of them coming to Idaho, not leaving Idaho. So they aren’t getting out? They are coming. You make absolutely zero sense whatsoever. As for the comment, she is correct. People from California have had, according to native population a very negative impact on Washington, Idaho, Texas, Colorado, Oregon and Nevada. Not a small anecdotal sampling.
I can vouch for the ruining of Colorado by California transplants. My native home State is getting worse every month. They are voting in dumbass liberal politicians with dumbass liberal policies every year and destroying what was once a beautiful State. In addition to trying to turn Colorado into another shithole like California, they are trashing the most beautiful parks and outdoor spaces. The eco-terrorists like to act like they are champions of the environment, but the real truth is they don’t give a shit and think everyone else is the problem when they are the ones causing decay and decline. Colorado’s population is exploding and we don’t have the infrastructure or job market to support the mass influx of shitty people. Most of them move here thinking they will eventually find a job and live on the excess money they made from the sale of their 1 bedroom apartment for $750k in the interim. Then they find out the job market sucks and eventually that money runs out (even more quickly now that everything costs a lot more than 10 years ago) and they’ll be looking for handouts either from welfare or the corner of your local Safeway. What we really need is a wall around Colorado to keep all the shitty newcomers out, and we need to deport the ones that have come here in the last 5 years. Oh, and we need to burn everyone in Boulder, the liberal cesspool capital of the State.
Give him a break. A little levin…
Wrong dude. Same illogical sequence of events is taking place here in Texas. It’s that absurd lack of logic that follows most (but not all) former Californians everywhere they go. They move to a new place with a different way of doing things and can’t resist the urge to make it look like home. It must be some psychological phenomena.
I live here and this is ON POINT! Except for the blue hair…pink is better ?
#31 is actually a good thing. Why neighbors must “enjoy” the cigarette smoke smell in their yard coming from a neighboring yard? We have already changed 5 places during 5 years of living in CA, 2 houses and 3 apartments, and every time – EVERY f**king time – our place stinks from smoking neighbors! Good luck finding a non-smoking community NOT next to freeway… the air quality will be as bad, but there will also be noise from cars (hard to say which option is worse.)
Then piss off to a totalitarian dictatorship where smoking is banned. Obviously, you are allergic to freedom. Maybe close your windows so the NORMAL Americans don’t have to smell your patchouli and sage or hear your hyena like Hillary cackling.
If you are normal and you buy your own stuff you are shit here.It sucks.
Oh and don’t forget the cheap bitches will steal everything you own with lies even your damn dog too because it is a third world shit hole ran by losers. So if you move here consider yourself screwed!!!! They can have your old man because he is really a bitch any how here…..
I’m a truck driver and the first time breathing the air in LA gave me a headache and caused me major sinus issues. If you care about your health stay away as far as possible.
I’ve lived in California my whole life and hate what this state has become!! Full of illegals and homeless, trash on the freeways – total welfare recipient state!! Can’t wait to leave!
Go through detox first to rid yourself of backwards California thinking. Please.
For #74. Like my friend from the marines says”If the American flag offends you,allow me to help you pack your bags.”
you provided more than 50 wow!!
It is way beyond repair. LA is a cesspool & will get much worse. How sad !! Funny how this has happened so quickly under DEM control . Duh !!! We get what we deserve.
Even more funny how the media won’t report it.
I don’t nearly hate California as much as other people here. Definitely don’t disagree that California has really gone downhill since democrats took over the state.
It is sad honestly because California used to be such a great place and i got a front row seat As it falls apart. Question is will people here realize more government, more regulation, and more socialist like policies are a very bad thing before it is too late. While i think the days of California going republican are over i do think there is a chance california saves itself by taking a more libertarian approach.
Got another reason to add to your list San Francisco gives out needles to prevent aids while not requiring you to return the needles before getting more. The result add dirty needles to san Francisco’s already poop covered streets.
Mere possession of some common consumer fireworks in Contra Costa County is a felony.
75. The beaches are so polluted that you run the risk of a bacterial infection when you swim and getting stabbed in the foot with a used syringe.
76. The rent is so high and there is no Rent Control in Los Angeles County because it was voted down by Los Angeles voters.
77. California is still in a drought mostly. ( Improvement to the water shed was also voted down by voters in Los Angeles.)
78. People there are the WORST!
79. In California the only way to comfortably live there is to be either dirt poor or filthy rich. (The middle class suffers the most since we are the last part of a capitalistic past still surviving.)
80. California pushes out any new business due to over taxing and over legislating of production practices in manufacturing.
Wow. Lack of rent control is NOT the problem sweetheart. That is just one overregulation trying to fix over taxation. The problem is taxing property owners to death. They charge the rent they have to charge to keep their property and maybe make a profit for their trouble. My goodness. The IQ in California really is an issue.
Need to update #9. California now has the #1 highest gas Tax!
Please Please Please. I live in California, not from here. Everything described is 100% accurate. I am moving back to Florida soon. Don’t be deceived into thinking this Cancer of liberalism is contained. People from California are leaving in record numbers. However many of them are still the people who voted for the things that created the problem. People from California have caused problems in every area where they settled in large groups. Austin TX is a good example. For those that believe in stopping the encroachment of what I call California “values” from destroying other areas I have set up a facebook group. “Don’t California my Florida”. The goal is to expose the very insidious way liberals are working to undermine communities with traditional values.
I know a bunch people that say that they pay so much and get nothing back.
Its sad how many people dont realize the truth of this list. I Know people that have moved out of that hell hole of a state and they agree with most of whats been said on this website. So before you retarded snowflakes start getting all offended. Go cry about it in a corner you emotionally unstable individuals.Just because you sad little snowflakes dont like it doesn’t give you the right to be intolerant and label someone as racist or prejudice when they are being honest unlike the most of you idiots.
Almost every native Californian is materialistic and in the mindset of impressing others with their “stuff,” most likely due to lack of self-esteem.
Typhus and bubonic plague in LA has made a come back due to overwhelming rats and trash.
Just another California hater. It’s the most beautiful state in the country. And the sheer size ,( Maine to Georgia ) add those states together and you’ll have three times the problems that California has.
Stop with the hate., California is the 4th largest economy in the WORLD ! Larger than France and Germany. It’s a great state and if you don’t watch it we’ll succeed from the nation, and form our own country. That will cripple the US economy.
We are the best state in the country hands down.
Can’t wait for California to secede. We will just have to build the wall around it to keep all you crazies in!
Fact-immune liars like you are what’s ruining California. Piss off out of my state, or better yet, secede (not succeed you typical liberal RETARD) so we patriots can hunt you socialist traitors down without fear of reprisal from the feds.
Yeah, the homeless camps and shit and needles everywhere are so beautiful. So is the post modern shit architecture that is clinically proven to cause depression. There are plenty more beautiful places in the US that aren’t run by communist dictators and totalitarian devil worshipers
Born and raised in Cali and this is not California anymore. All segregated communities- the Mexican cities, the Asian cities, the Persian cities, the Midwesterners looking to become celebrities in Hollywood, etc.
California has actually become a caricature of itself – people come here from wherever actually believing that California is like what is seen in some ridiculous movies about Hollywood – most of these movies that are made by directors and writers who aren’t even from here! It’s absurd- a bunch of tourists move here and then pretend to be “Californian” and act like crazy psychos! All the PC BS is not Californians – ask them if they’re from here when they get all PC, nope. Californians don’t say “woke” or “conscious” it’s stupid – we’ve been living a beach lifestyle since we were born, we don’t need to talk about it, it just is. Only everyone not from California talks about California and being “conscious” cause it’s new to them to be responsible, improve yourself continually, work hard for your goals, be healthy and take care of your body cause it’s your only vehicle in life and it has to last a long time and you can get more shit done when you’re healthy, i.e. work more jobs to afford to live here) and these tourists ACT like they think Californians would act- being vapid and ridiculous, flaky, and getting excited about avocado toast! WTF?! We’ve been eating avocados since birth, we don’t get excited about them! Nor do we act vapid and flaky. We keep our word, care about people, and our communities. The people that act PC and say stupid shit are all midwestern tourists trying to be what they think Californians are and they got it ALL WRONG.
My doctors are all Indian, Persian or Asian and came here with student visas and never left.
Illegals get more benefits than anyone that lives here- an illegal Mexican hit my car and totaled it. He had a legal CA divers license and no insurance. I found out rather quickly that I did not have uninsured motorist medical- yikes. So, not only did I have to pay my own $250 deductible, but I was responsible to buy myself another car after the measly check I got from my insurance company and pay off my car with barely anything left over. I was injured and had to pay for the 8 weeks of chiropractic and physical therapy that I needed as well as all medical bills. All totaled, I had to pay $9200 for the accident caused by an illegal with no insurance. My insurance (AAA) said I could try to sue him, but it would just be a waste of my money. They couldn’t even get him to pay them back the $250 deductible I paid. Said he could care less and wasn’t going to pay them and asked them to stop calling him and harassing him! He did not get arrested or lose his license. He presented a fake insurance card. The insurance company listed on it didn’t even exist. Wiped out my entire savings and I now have a 12 year old car (he totaled a nice Audi I finally purchased after working really hard for it) cause my insurance went up and I can’t afford a nicer car after wiping out my savings and increasing my insurance.
This looks nothing like the California I loved and grew up in. And for those that say California sucks because of the “native Californians” wake up- try to find some- I have only 1 friend that was born and raised here now- go anywhere in LA, SF or SD (lived in all for many years) and you will have a very hard time finding anyone born and raised here. It’s all illegals, refugees, tech employer transfers from wherever in the US or abroad, or midwesterners looking to be famous or start a VC funded company and make it big on Shark Tank or a game show. It’s a joke. This is the way these transplants talk.
Needless to say, with the high cost of worthless expensive medical insurance (had to have 3 surgeries and co pays were $50,000 with a $400 per month insurance plan for myself only), shitty medical providers with absolutely no compassion or bedside manner (they care more about what provider you have and how much coverage before they will even book your appt), massive amounts of illegals who have more rights than a legal citizen paying taxes their entire life, crazy influx of people not from here changing everything fun and cool about California that made it such a great place to live, the high rents and home prices, high taxes, high cost to do business here, and the dilapidated infrastructure (potholes, raggity buildings, dangerous old freeways, etc etc), high rate of crime, and gang members everywhere, not to mention the massive homeless population, it’s time to go. I’m moving out of California next summer. I’m sad to go, I’ll miss my beaches, but it’s just not the same California that I loved so much growing up.
A nuke to the San Andreas Faultline would remove 74 of the reasons……..
Isn’t that why we built the smart bomb.
Leave it all intact. Get rid of the dumbfukocraps
# 79 Power outages that last for days. 800,000 homes in Northern California are effected when Pacific Gas and Electric shuts off power. This happens whenever high wind conditions are expected – due to concern that inadequate P,G & E materials combined with high wind conditions will start a fire. (Key word – expected. As I write this my friends’ power is off and the air is still as a sleeping baby.) Along with the power outage, you’ll find: Traffic accidents at intersections (because traffic signals are out), traffic jams (because of the traffic accidents!), Internet not working, offices closing, not getting paid because you’re not working . . .
We currently live in California. The state sucks. Many peoples attitudes suck and everything you mentioned is true. Worst state we’ve ever lived in by far. We are doing everything in our power to get out of California.
The scenery is beautiful however most everything else is ridiculous. The most disconnected state we’ve ever resided in. A huge divide in the people leading to a Fantasyland form of thinking amongst the long term residents that resembles some sort of personality disorder(s). It’s very sad really and nothing like we expected.
I feel sorry for Californians because many of them will never be able to afford to leave California and see what it’s like to live in a state with a larger sense of community. It’s been nearly 5 years here it’s starting to feel like Hell. We couldn’t imagine living out the rest of our lives in this state.
Everyone is so f-ing entitled especially in SoCal. Take laguna beach for example, I worked there in my early 20s and I only worked there for a few weeks because of the amount of entitled men and woman. Liberals, vegans and politically correct nazis walk the streets and if you aren’t cookie cutter, especially if you’re eclectic, you may as well start thinking about moving out of state like I am because these people say they’re accepting but that is the furthest from what they really are. I believe we have soulless humans in California. Something is definitely wrong in this state.
Man as a basketball player it is so sad to here what is going on in california
I feel so bad for the people who live in california
Californians are all homosexual drug addicted college pukes, just like Hitlers SA. The techie x of fascist Silicon Valley are popping Aderal like skittles and this is the number one reason the driving is so bad. Bunch of uppity brainwashed socialist thieves and liars are one cross look or MAGA hat away from violent temper tantrums 24/7/365. For proof check out all the hyper aggressive crackheads using their Teslas as weapons on 101 S, between SF and San Jose at 0830. Subarus are the number one car for Klantifa terrorist types (city and state government workers, especially teachers, and also software engineers, social media censors, human resources, psych majors, and early childhood development majors), but Tesla has replaced Prius as the elite socialist ruling class status symbol.
80. The radical, Flat Earth Society, Jim Jones doomsday cult of envirofascism forbids the clearing of dead wood in many cases, which has turned Californistan into a tinder box.
81. The same Flat Earther kool aid drinkers have neutralized our border and invited Al Queda into our state with offers of gubment cheddar and preferential treatment for their freedom fighters over our own war criminal terrorist veterans. The state even admitted that Al Queda was setting fires, but Californitards who call themselves moderates and libertarians still reject this fact. Plans for jihad by arson were found on Osama’s hard drives, but don’t let those pesky facts penetrate your 400 foot thick cro-magnon skulls, liberals.
82. Klantifa has been caught conducting arson jihad.
83. Since the 80s, academia has been discriminating against straight white males and the screwels got caught discriminating against Asians recently. Silver lining: uppity white bitches, AKA evil European liberal women to pee on, will be losing their sports scholarships to white trannies.
85. Commiefornia voters routinely elect TERRORISTS like Tom Hayden
86. In most major cities and in many communist hot beds like Marin, wearing a MAGA hat WILL result in physical violence. You are safer wearing gang colors.
Amendment to 75: thankfully, the Black Death will wipe out a lot of the filthy communist scum and relieve population density problems.
All the people saying CA aint that bad are full of shit. Native Californian out!
The only good things about Cali come from people who want to move there. The homeless capital of the US because of all the freeloading bums who flock in and head straight to the welfare teet with their nauseating poor me stories. California attracts dreamers and bums and gladly slaps both in the mouth with reality. Even socialists hate whiny freeloaders when they have to foot the bill from their own pocket.
Insane politicians that the people keep re electing,even though they keep passing laws that are punitive to those who elect them re the democrats
Get rid of the fricken liberals.
California has Turned into a Liberal-Socialist Utopia of “Shared Equal Poverty.”
I used to love living in CA. I came from the northeast almost 30 years ago. It was wonderfull! I got to live the dream so to speak. Now I am counting the days until I can get out of this hellhole. I thought NY in the 80’s was bad, the sh!t that happens here is completely insane. Honestly, words do not do it justice. I could write for days on how horrible things are here now. Go ahead tell me to leave if I don’t like it. It’s OK, we are working in our exit plan. You are probably a $&@@ loser criminal, drug addict, sociocommie, gangbanger, bleeding heart dumbass too stupid to pull your head out of your lower nether regions to realize that your “utopia” is an unfathomable nightmare. I will take my educated, successful, and conscientious self and gladly move. You can live in the stank that you created. Go liberals! When I get to my new life, I will gladly buy bus tickets for the criminal, prop 47 ready scum who want to call CA their new home.
The problem with California is really quite simple… There are only three major areas unfortunately that speak for the entire state they are Sacramento, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Little bit of trivia for you here our friend just retired from working in Sacramento legislature for 39 years here’s what she reported to us every presidential election in California there are between 2.1 and 3.7 million “unverifiable votes“.Those votes are believed to come from foreign nationals, illegals, and multi state residents, voter fraud has been rampant in California for 39 years, the bullet train which was recently canceled was already $9 billion over budget and seven years behind schedule. It’s time to recall Gavin Newsom they have over 750,000 signatures of the 1.5 million needed by February 2020 to get it on the ballot. Californians are starting to wake up since they’re seeing their property taxes go up vehicle registration fees go up and now they pay more for gasoline in the state than any other in the nation. Recall Gavin Newsom and bring some common sense back to California… Don’t let Nancy Pelosi’s nephew get away with this anymore because come 2024 this jerk-off is going to run for president and try to spread his liberal California cancer throughout the rest of the country. Recall this dumb ass now before it’s too late for the rest of the nation.
As a Bostonian, there are way too many CA people coming here.
I’m a 41 yr old Dad with a grad degree, married house, 2 cars. Earned it all.
Other day, me and 2 other Dads pull this 50 year old idiot aside who is BERATING a kid in an apple store like a whiny B over some data issue with his iphone.
We reminded him how many cops we all went to high school with and how they’re everywhere watching, because we protect one another from people who want to hurt others.
Our neighborhoods are OLD. And TIGHT. And go back to the 1800s or futher back.
Good luck to all those CA DBs who think they can fill our streets and schools with punks like that.
Our city is a city of CHAMPIONS.
We’ll happily send those losers back to loserville.
Big fan of Boston. Good luck in teaching them a lesson.
They give illegals driver’s licenses. Literally anyone with a drivers license is automatically registered to vote. It’s called “the motor voter law”. So, in California, illegals vote in any election.
Who died and left the brainless of that state boss? They think they run the country. i have news, you may think you do but no one listens to the crap that spews out of california mouths (name in lower case as t doesn’t justify upper case). It would be a service to the 49 states if they would join the Chinese Communist Party and become the extension of Communism in the West as Cuba was an extension of the USSR.I dont buy your vegetables,or your fruits since they always are infected with various deadly bacteria, just like the population. President Trump is right on his wall but it needs to go around california,not Mexico.
Grew up behind the Orange Curtain in the 60s. It was wonderful. By the early 80’s you could tell CA was turning into a misgoverned hell hole. No way a young family could get a solid foothold. Not unless you wanted to spend five hours a day in your car in stop and go traffic. Left in 83 and NEVER looked back.
Voter fraud too
Silicon Valley is a disgusting place to live. The medical care is sub-par. Your colleagues are glorified douche-bags. Your every move and utterance is subject to review. You learn quickly that tolerance means exclusion of anyone not left of Sanders. Your 7 figure home is constructed from crap. The roads are just stupidly laid out. The mass transit is a bad joke. The school system is a waste of time lead by teachers with no classroom authority. Really, the only thing this place can conjure effectively is a dream…and it attracts $1 out of every $3 of FDI in the world. Imagine how much further that money could go if it was placed in a culture that didn’t define squandering other people’s money.
Once upon a time Detroit was a mechanical engineering utopia. Its sirens brought people from around the world as well. Unions and waste were tolerated as there was always more coming in….until there wasn’t.
It may take a generation, but California will be well on its way. As soon as the external taps pouring money into the region and people here will need to stand on their own two feet, they’ll realize the game is unwinnable. They’ll realize that all of the inputs that made greatness possible here once have been destroyed and gamed away…it’s just a matter of when the inertia runs out.
Heres one, by 2040, gas cars will be banned in the state
#58 makes sense.
Commiefornia is a ****hole and Liberals are destroying it even further. Gov only care for you around election time, then dont give a **** about you in the meantime. Liberals defend this why? oh so they can have their pedophilia, drugs, riots, race wars. Why are they here if they hate it so much.
So leave and don’t look back. We won’t miss you.
They just signed in a bill that allows pedophiles to engage in sexual acts with children as young as 14 as long as they are the same sex and within 10 years of their age (i.e. a 24 year old male can have sex with a 14 year old boy). This place is an absolute destitute liberal hellhole and I cannot afford to leave yet.
On the ballot in 2020 is ACA5 which will bring affirmative action to california requiring schools and employers to discriminate based on race and sex. White and Asian people will be less likely to be admitted to schools because they often are a majority, rather than basing admission on merit and grades. These democrats have openly suggested that somehow Black and Hispanic folks are not capable of competing in a free system on merit alone, which is textbook racism. They are being racist through low expectation. Some of the smartest people I have met have been Black or Hispanic. It is about working hard and learning, because there are plenty of opportunities. The democrats here take whatever they are responsible for and then try to gaslight calling normal people out for that very thing. They call all of us “racist” while actually being racist themselves!
But, there’s so many 2 legged cattle to exploit! After roughly 13,000 years of “civilization” (syphilization if you ask me), exploitation (herding, milking, culling, etc.) has become a polished art. If anyone thinks these mishandlings of policy are all a result of stupidity, well, some leaders are stupid like a fox. As for the economy, if it were a nation, California would be the world’s 5th largest national economy! Solve those problems within a steadily degenerating gene pool of those that quite frankly would not have survived in the wild, and you’re a miracle worker! That’s why we’re all in God’s hands, the only true miracle worker. California’s populace is so terribly destructive to all of God’s creation, humans are the only force commensurate to stop humans destructiveness. That is, if it’s not all past the tipping point. I’m trying to summon the patience for the majority of humans (many in this conversation included) that have rationalized their way to the freedom of human thought & action up to and beyond the point of destruction of anything non-human, as if we were the only thing that mattered to God. Like God’s Goose That Layed The Golden Egg or something. Don’t they see that if all else perishes, so do we. Seemingly totalitarian EPA standards could be the only counter to human stupidity (if it’s even possible to out-match our capacity for hubris), too little, too late seems to the name of the game.
Well one conceivable upside to California residency is it’s resistance training for our compassion. To “Love the unlovable” around here you gotta have “Love muscles” of a power lifter! If you like a challenge, don’t try to find a paradise. Look around, grab a shovel and dig in … it’s gonna be a helluva fight!
“Count it all Joy, my brethren, when you fall into diverse temptation […] for it worketh the patience.” James 1:20 KJV
Only Love, Neil:)
California is just another prime example of what happens in states the democrats run, they steal all the money then try to keep it going by raising prices for governmental services. the only thing that will stop them is to get them out of power. their sister Illinois in this craziness has holes in the main highways because they have no money to repair the roads. My sister in law lives in Illinois it cost her $589.00 TO GET TAGS ON HER CAR, Enough said.
California for more than thirty years is no longer a state of America but a Mexican colony. The dominant language in California is improper Spanish from people from Mexico and Central America with an elementary school education.
The Democratic Party has ruled California for thirty years for four reasons: political corruption through enforced taxation and fraud, protecting and releasing criminal gangs, treason by supporting human trafficking and identification fraud, and citizens supporting such treason and crime as they have couples or children that are criminals, members of a criminal gang, or illegal migrants.
Please include the fact that California got rid of the death penalty before the Manson family appropriately paid for their vicious crimes. Now, today, the Manson women are OUT OF PRISON ON PAROLE because the State of California decided these poor women have suffered enough in prison. California disregarded the appeals of the Tate family and how about the family of the poor grocery store clerk and husband brutally slaughtered the next day by these same women? Do the families of these innocent victims think these Manson women should be walking around free? Does California care that these women now claim THEY are the victims or that one of them (who’s actions that day would violate the oldest laws of war, the Geneva Convention, and the us military’s various rules of engagement) insists she was TOTALLY JUSTIFIED in the killings like a soldier is justified killing the enemy at war. Disgusting insult to our military? No. California doesn’t care that these women have no remorse and may be extremely dangerous to law abiding citizens (if there are any left in this state). The other women claim that their parents, the police, the military, and society at large simply failed them (and thus, they are not responsible for their actions). This all came directly from their demented mouths in a shameful show called “The Manson Women” or something like that which aired on the Oxygen channel. SHAME on the Oxygen Network for giving these sickos a platform to whine on! This is a State who’s government and judicial system values criminals over victims in the name of political correctness. Sick and self-righteous. Sadly, Texas is now being overrun by Californians desperate to escape the oppression and who are now trying to vote in the same detrimental policies that have destroyed their own state. The bustling pro business pro property highly successful state of Texas (which is why everyone flocks here) will go down like California in about 20 years. God help us.
By far the worst state in the USA.
Democrats destroy whatever they touch. State governments lead by them tax, overburden with useless and needless legislation, diminish peoples freedom, make degeneracy the norm, aka HELL on earth.I vacationed in Cali for decades but now I’m done. Not spending a penny in that state anymore.
I think it was Oscar Wilde who said: “we hate that which we envy” or something like that, the haters are just jealous of California’s power, creativity, wealth & influence.
The following are 75 reasons why California is FABULOUS!!
1. Top tourist state
2. Most beautiful state & best climate.
3. Best pro sports teams
4. Most fun state
5. Most popular state.
6. 10th smartest state
7. Top Ag state
8. State with most new businesses total & per capita
9. Top Innovator
10. Cal has 54% of top 100 venture capital firms with only 12% of the population
11. Cal has made 21% of all US patents in the US history with only 12% of the population & being part of the US only since 1848..
12. Top entertainment state.
13. 5 of the 10 most innovative cities are in CA
14. 11th most tax friendly state for the middle class
15. The Bay Area ranks 19th in the world in economic activity
16. 6 of the top 10 technology firms are located in CA
17. Best state for entrepreneurs
18. Best state to start a business
19. Best business environment
20. State with most national parks (9) most in the nation.
21. $6.1 billion budget surplus
22. 1st or 2nd best for higher education
23. 5th largest economy in the world beating out the UK with 20 mil less people
24. California population projections show by 2050 CA population will hit 60 mil from current 40 mil
25. Basically large numbers high quality Asian immigrants are moving in as low quality Americans are moving out in smaller numbers
26. Forbes ranked the “25 happiest cities in the US” & California had 8 of them or 32% with only 12% of the population
27. L.A. County has the 2 largest seaports in the US.
28. Very tolerant & “laid back” state.
29. Largest gay population. Very LGBT & straight friendly.
30. California Residents have the 2nd longest average life span in the country.
31. Burningman is HQ’d in SF.
32. Most diverse state with every race creed & color known to mankind.
33. California is # 43 in gun violence so only 7 states have less gun violence than California. All gun laws are constitutional.
34. Recreational & medicinal weed legal in CA.
35. CA is one of the high income DONOR blue (capitalist) states which transfers a lot of $ to the RECEIVER poor red (socialist) states mostly the South & border states.
36. Ranked only # 41 in drug use
37. YouTube HQ’d in California.
38. Elephant seals, whales, sea otters, wild salmon, condors, mountain lions, black & brown bears, seals, sea lions
39. Steve Jobs & the iPhone + innumerable tech products.
40. No discrimination on any basis allowed.
41. Unlike many states everybody is welcome regardless of race, creed, color, sexual orientation or politics.
42. US News ranks Cali as healthiest state with 2nd longest average life span.
43. Wallethub ranks Cali as 4th happiest state & World Population Review ranks Cali # 5 happiest state
44. Our 840 mile coastline means that it’s impossible in California ever to be surrounded entirely by assholes.
45. For a broke-ass, ungovernable, impossibly large state, California is a hell of a lot of fun.
46. Porn capital of the world.
47. California boasts two world-class cities: Los Angeles and San Francisco. No other state can say the same.
48. Most nude beaches.
49. # 45 of the 50 states in suicide along with low depression rates.
50. There are 3,674 wineries in CA that produce 86% of US wine.
51. It’s a myth that people are leaving CA. CA has the lowest per-capita movement rate in the country. That means Californians are staying in CA more than any other state.
52. The USDA rates CA counties as # 1 in their Natural Amenities Scale measuring warm winter, winter sun, temperate sun, low humidity summer, topographic variation & water area.
53. No hurricanes, tornado’s, massive floods, ice storms or blizzards.
54. Bloomberg says 8 of the top business schools are in CA.
55. CA is # 8 in state median household income.
56. CA ranks very low among the states for drug abuse.
57. According to the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst Office CA’s fiscal outlook is ” in Remarkably Good Shape.” & “Longer‑Term Outlook Is Positive.”
58. Business Insider rates San Francisco as # 1 & Los Angeles as #5 as the most high tech cities IN THE WORLD.
59. It’s not unusual when driving on east/west I 80 to see a vehicle with a surfboard on top going west & one going east with skis or a snowmobile.
60. According to the American Drug Addiction Centers San Francisco & Oakland are in the top 10 cities with the least overall drug use.
61. CA is ranked # 45 in suicides per capita.
62. CA is the 3rd least obese state.
63. CA is the breadbasket of the world.
64. US News ranks CA as # 9 least polluted state.
65. # 7 in health care per Wallethub.
66. # 2 in education (K-12 & higher ed) per WalletHub.
67. # 4 in economy per WalletHub.
68. # 5 in environment per Wallethub.
69. Best beaches in the world.
70. According to SmartAsset of the 5 top rising housing markets 3 are in CA.
71. According to the National Centers for Environmental Information of the 15 worst states for natural disasters CA did not even place ( so much for earthquakes & wildfires).
72. According to a Reader’s Digest study of the top 12 cleanest cities CA had 4 (San Jose, San Francisco, San Diego & Sacramento).
73. Kiplinger & Money Watch rates CA as “tax friendly.”
74. Money Geek rates CA # 13 best state for taxes with a grade of B, GoBankingRates ranks CA # 15 for best state for taxes. The Tax Foundation ranks CA # 12 best for sales taxes. WalletHub ranks CA as # 16 best for property tax in the country.
75. And last but not least CA is the most patriotic of states. CA has more veterans than any other state. CA stayed loyal to the Union moving troops to Arizona, NM & TX to prevent the slave states from capturing them. CA flies only the American flag not the Confederate flag, the Nazi flag or the flags of the several white supremacy organizations as many anti-American states do.
You must be a liberal
Liberals are the worst. Cry babies
I left in May of 2017 when I retired and moved back to the Midwest where I was born. My thought was to work in a higher paying area so I could retire comfortably. But the cost of living after 32 years drove me out. No savings, no investments. Living check to check now. My “earned income” didn’t leave me anything left after trying to survive in Orange and LA counties to save. Finally, I felt like a foreigner. I sometimes didn’t hear English for a week at a time. The Mexicans have an entitlement attitude that is unjustified, the democrats cater to them because they can buy their vote. I saw so much fraud with the Mexican underground regarding fake papers, filing fraudulent tax returns, etc. I couldn’t take it any more. It’s like living in hell. Everyone is on the take. And lines for everything! Unfortunately with O-Biden at the helm, the socialist cancer will spread to the rest of us.
Haha glad I moved out of CA. The state is ran by idiots. So much corruption. Governor Newsom is a piece of shit, corrupt bastard who doesn’t care about people. He only cares about himself and how much money goes into his pocket. Businesses are going under due to all his restrictions. Hardworking people who invested their life into their business. Yet, Liberals think he’s for the people. Wake up people!
Yes, California needs to just crack off, float out to sea and sink to the bottom,never to see the light of day. Trumps biggest mistake was trying to build a wall on the Mexican border. He should have built it all around California, no gates, no doors, no tunnels. Since the inhabitants of that state think they are omnipotent, it should be no problem for them to survive and it would benefit not only the other 49 states but the entire globe. I have not yet met a Mexican I hated, I cant say that for Californiaites.Remember, they produced Nancy Pelosi the poster child for wrinkle cream.
I have more things to add to the list. Now it is illegal to purchase flavored tobacco products. Want to smoke a fancy flavored cigar, tough luck. Another one, in 2035, you won’t be able to buy a new gasoline powered car in California.
Can someone stop em from moving to Seattle? It’s already a horrible city, but now were getting the same problems in eastern wa state where it used to be peaceful. Hobos being seen left to right is not something i wish to see in the tri-cities, which is getting worse.
thanks a lot, Californians.
Can’t wait to move the hell out of this state and go somewhere where I can be conservative and free. California sucks.
This state is falling apart and it doesn’t help having Gruesome Neusom as our governor, Biden as our president and a Kamala as our vice.
Reason 81 . California’s mal-investment in solar and wind power and shutting down its nuclear power plants has led to the state having to import over 1/3 of it’s electrical power from states that often use coal as their generation source. But you can’t beat the weather!
So… I am visiting South Lake Tahoe and this morning I go to Wholes Food to purchase some groceries. I walk up to my car and noticed a shopping cart was left near my car and decide to take to the front of the store where the other carts are stationed and from no where comes this nasty voice …”hey why don’t you pickup your garbage!!” Now the cart had some cups inside that someone other than myself had left inside the cart. So I gently replied that I was just being the cart back and that maybe they should ask that question to the previous person that used the car. Well the reply was … why don’t you shop up old man”. I look at their car (pickup truck) and it had California plates. So my question is are people in California this nasty? Are they out in the street just looking to see what they can shout to others ? Wow!!
I feel depressed living here.
my mother was an illegal immigrant. i got nothing from her. My enlightenment and my eventual support of the Republican Party came from my father, a Marine Corp vet. I was enlightened. Now I wish to move out of here, ASAP. I can’t right now. I feel ashamed of my heritage,, and where I was born. I wish to thank my father for my enlightenment. He taught me how to be a patriot, and he showed me all the faults of California, and the Democratic Party. If it weren’t for him, I’d be corrupted.
Glad your father could help you see the light, Hector.
California carb rule made my truck illegal to operate in California unless I installed a 2010 or newer engine that cost around $10,000 to have installed!
I got a few more reasons for ya here, buddy. (Btw this is coming from someone who has lived in California for 3 years during my elementary years and then at least 5 years since high school to now and has gone to their schools before, so don’t argue that I don’t know what I’m talking about when I’m currently living in this golde- I’m sorry Garbage state)
All excellent points.
These all happened in areas that were considered nice and safe. Not safe any more. Will finally be able to move out of the state this year. Don’t worry Texas won’t vote like a retard.
Thanks for the added points Dan. Good luck with the move.