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Live updates for the 2024 United States Election
[215 AM EST Update – I am shutting this down for the night. If there are no major updates tomorrow, consider this election thread closed. Final thoughts below.]
Welcome to the 2024 Election Day Live Updates article. I will keep this updated as news comes in, mostly for any big news or weird twists.
I’ll probably have more state-level discourse than others, as I care more about states and county results than the federal results.
If it ends up being a boring day, probably won’t have much here. We’ll see as the day progresses.
I wrote an article a week ago that shared my predictions for the event. Find it here, or a summary below:
- [My prediction] – Trump wins, and Cataclysm X occurs [at a later date]
This option is one that I think is most likely. I do expect Trump to win the presidency. Likewise. I also expect Cataclysm X to happen within the next four years.
Hilariously, all the limp-wristed e-celebs jumped on the Trump bandwagon last minute. Joe Rogan being one prime example. This is not a good sign, as it indicates even more so that the establishment is fully behind Trump.
For a second example, Trump also apparently poses no threat to the mainstream media (who refused to endorse Kamala—Such as the Washington Post). Combine this fact with the fact that even centrist snakes like Musk and Rogan are endorsing him, and you can start to see the writing on the wall.
While this is not a good sign for us, it is a good sign that my prediction of Trump winning may likely be accurate.
Frankly, given the above, we probably don’t have to worry about delayed vote counts or a steal—Because the uniparty doesn’t mind a victory of either side. They control both now. The aid to Israel and the upcoming major geopolitical strife and world war will happen regardless of our choice today. And if a Cataclysm X does end up happening, all that is going to truly matter is that event: Not the economy, not immigration, nor anything else.
There is going to be a ridiculous number of livestreams for the election results. I’m going to jump in a bunch of them later and maybe recommend a few here. But the excitement factor really depends on if our country can figure out how to count ballots like we’ve done for hundreds of years, or if it will take another week like last time.
Time will tell.
1 PM EST Update – Article posted. Stay tuned.
2 PM EST Update – Early voting by party registration is putting out some numbers I’ve never seen before. 41% D vs 39% R? Unheard of. Dems always dominate in early voting and Team Red is always playing catch-up during election day proper, but the numbers are closer than ever. This is usually closer to 40/30. Wild. Also: this.
2 PM EST Update – Guam just went (likely) to Team Red for the first time since 2008. I didn’t even think that was possible.
5 PM EST Update – Early results are coming in. Landslide expected:
6 PM EST Update – We are getting close to poll closing times:
The show will be beginning shortly.
7 PM EST Update – Alright, we’re finally getting some minor polls in. Here is my final prediction map before we see the real numbers come in:
I am most uncertain about PA and AZ. Lots of work has gone into those states, but so have lots of migrants and fraud. VA is a bit of a tossup too, but I am more confident in VA than the other two. I know many people doubt GA and NV going red, but I think both of those states are pretty solid lean red. Will have to see given the fraud, however (especially the fraud possibility in GA that we saw in the midterms). Finally, I know a lot of hopeful optimists expect NH to flip, but I have absolutely no hope in Yankee Central to do anything good. So that’s a strong blue for me.
Let’s see how this map holds up with the eventual results.
10 PM EST Update – Here is where we stand currently with the states that matter:
Not looking great for Harris.
10 PM EST Update #2 – Lots of live shows are now up. Check Rumble. Check out a few options. Good to see a normie one like Crowder alongside some dissident stuff. Infowars is also live. As is UATV. Stew Peters, Tucker Carlson (With RFK Jr), RAMZPaul, and Nick Fuentes are live for those interested too (check Rumble). Lots of options for those wanting some commentary with their election popcorn session.
AC and Rantingly also have a live thread for those interested. More readers than here. Good to keep your eyes on multiple angles.
11 PM EST Update – Trump at 75% at Polymarket. Wild:
1130 PM EST Update – What the hell happened in NC? Went Trump in the federal but full blue otherwise? Any NC people that can explain what is happening over there?
Also, major governor wins across the country. 27 to 23. Can’t complain.
Also, Team Red hit 50 senators already. Likely majority.
House 174 to 152. Team Red lead. Still uncertain on the final call.
1145 PM EST Update – Polymarket 94% for Trump victory:
Not calling it just yet, but not sure I see any possible way forward for Kamala at this point, even with fraud. Likely Trump victory.
12 AM EST Update – Looks like PA might actually even go Trump. Much larger than I even expected across the board. I don’t see any pathway forward for Kamala at this point. Unless Kamala is getting 80%+ of remaining votes in key states (impossible without fraud), there is no pathway for Team Blue.
Calling the fed race for Team Red.
Still holding out for more state results to come in, hopefully good results on the ballot initiatives. Good news across most states so far. Even senate and house are moving in favor of Team Red.
Will be interesting to see how the overnight vote changes things.
1215 AM EST Update – Senate officially goes Team Red.
1245 AM EST Update – PA, WI, and MI in play still:
The horrible trio are the crucial states. These are the major fraud powerhouses from last time. It looks bright Red for Trump, but so did 2020.
I am both sad and surprised by VA. They must have had far too many Yankees and migrants fleeing into the state. Sad.
I expect the House to stay in Team Blue’s hands. I could be wrong, though. Time will tell.
115 AM EST Update – Looks like the abortion ballot measures plaguing numerous states are going to pass in many states. Regardless of if Team Red wins, we, as a Christian nation, are screwed if these pass:
Pray for God’s mercy. We will need it.
130 AM EST Update – Fed election called for Trump with his win of PA:
Don’t let this get you complacent. He will not save us. It seems one of my first 4 scenarios will be most probable in the future. Watch for it.
I was right about a Trump victory, but I was wrong on many states. VA and PA being the big two. Quite the interesting turn of events.
130 AM EST Update #2 – Nevada also seems to be a retarded state like NC. They are leaning heavily Team Red for the federal elections and blue down ballot for everything else. How is this even possible? It is completely backwards. Wow.
As usual, most of the states in the South and Mountain West are holding strong. Especially WY, ID, TN, and similar. Very proud of Florida for striking down the abortion ballot. Rest of the states seem leaned to pass it.
Only 2 out of 10 (1 undecided but likely blue) governors went blue. One of them being NC (sad). But overall a promising development for state’s rights. I’ll take it. Governors matter a lot more than the Feds.
The House will be close. Maybe even a 209 split.
2 AM EST Update – Sorry bros and hoes, but it is over:
This is what we truly need:
One can dream.
215 AM EST Update – Here is the final map that matters:
Final summary: Trump won the Presidential Race, as expected. Team Red also won the Senate, as expected. I still expect Team Blue to take the House, but it’s not known for sure yet. Governor races went well overall, and many major ballot initiatives are still undecided. A few states turned odd internally (Nevada and NC), but overall, it was a good run.
As usual, we’ll learn more tomorrow.
215 AM EST Update #2 – I am shutting this down for the night. If there are no major updates tomorrow, consider this election thread closed. Final thoughts above.
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