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2023: What a year. Looking back at the major events of this year and making a few predictions about where we may go in 2024.
It is finally here! It’s time for our annual Year In Review.
Hopefully, I’ll touch on all the current topics of importance that I have neglected throughout the year and recap the big stories you all are interested in.
I freely admit that I probably forgot numerous things. If so, please drop them in the comments with your own thoughts.
The topics I have chosen for this year are listed below. They are in no particular order:
Let’s just briefly touch on major topics of the year past and ponder further on the year to come.
(In the interest of this article not becoming a small book, each topic is summarized and brief. If you want more in-depth analysis, I have written on most of these already. Use the search bar in the bottom-right.)
AI may have been around for a while, but 2023 is really the year it hit mainstream prominence. Even the grey masses are openly discussing and using it now.
Before I wrote this article, my WordPress editor updated and now provides an “AI Writing Assistant” within the Draft Editor itself. I won’t be using it, but I imagine many will. Prepare for a lot of AI-generated content in the future.
Additionally, expect a lot of uncertainty in the future regarding accuracy of content. We cannot, for certain now, trust anything we see or read online. Half of the visuals—videos included—are being created with AI. Which means the rulers have been using this technology for decades prior. We just have incontrovertible proof now.
For better or worse, AI has and will become a staple of our everyday life. My feeling is it will be for the latter.
Donald Trump has become the first president, former or current, charged with criminal activity. Not just one crime, either. Numerous criminal activity was alleged.
It’s all lies and political weaponization, obviously. But that does not negate its impact on the system and the validity of it in the eyes of the average person.
The Trump Topic has gotten even worse because of the Colorado Supreme Court end-of-year whammy: Removing Trump from the ballot entirely. He hasn’t even been convicted of a crime, but the judges apparently think they get to decide what “insurrection” is, so he’s off the ballot.
This will probably cause other states to follow suit, setting up a Supreme Court challenge.
All of this seems like political theatre to me. The pre-selected president has already been decided for 2024. But the SC cucking out on this one would be great for further distrust in the system. So I halfway hope that the SC continues to fail, as they did with the covid vax mandates and with J6.
Either way, we can’t fix our problems through voting. That goes double so for voting for Trump again.
But there is a chance that Trump may return to the White House, my pessimism aside. They seem to have Trump much better controlled this time around, so I would not negate the chance that the rulers let him back in just to make it seem like we got a “win”, just for them to pull the rug out (economic crash, major wars) once he is in there. Or maybe they’ll try that before the election. Who knows?
In early May, the WHO and the Biden Admin officially ended the “global emergency status” for covid-19.
“Two weeks to stop the spread” lasted over three years. But congratulations pure bloods, we made it.
The vaxxed, on the other hand, have not been fairing so well. They seem to be sick all the time and have weakened immune systems. Many continue to still drop dead randomly. That’s unfortunate. But they wanted me to die for two whole years, so my sympathy is low.
For the purebloods: congratulations, you all successfully overcame the greatest psychological operation ever inflicted on humanity on such a global scale. You did it, brother and sisters.
For the vaxxed: Keep praying that you received a saline batch, I guess.
The amount of illegal aliens flooding the border at the moment are the highest that I have ever seen recorded. We are literally being invaded by the entire world’s refuse. This will not end well.
It’s getting so bad that even democrats are calling for border enforcement now. That’s something I would have never expected.
Expect massive increases in cost of living (especially housing) due to the population sprawling and increased crime. Also expect competing nations to emerge within the States in very short order once they hit a critical mass level of population.
One has to wonder how many sleeper agents are sneaking in from countries that we are likely to be in major conflict with soon (Iran, China, Russia, etc.). They would be fools if they weren’t sending their spies and saboteurs in on the southern border—It’s practically wide open for entry.
Speaking of housing costs, the United States clearly has either a depression or stagflation emerging. I cannot predict the future, so I’m not sure which it will be. But one of them is almost certain.
This past year has been nothing but horrors on the economic front.
Inflation continues to increase even as the Fed pretends inflation is 90% lower than it actually is. Interest rates are likely to go down due to the election year, causing house prices to further explode and inflation to perk right back up. Oh, and don’t worry, we’re still stuck with the zero reserve requirement from covid. The Fed is stuck, and I am broke.
The stock market continues to rise obliviously. A perfect setup for a perfect knockdown. The Great Taking seems more likely as each day passes.
The young will be the most affected here, as usual. The American Dream is dead for everyone except the old generations, and I feel for our youth who will only continue to face economic problems for the remainder of their lives. But especially so in the short term.
Everyone is eating worse food now than ever before.
A significant chunk of our food has CRISPR modification within it. The rest are bio engineered, or some kind of plant-meat abomination.
If you couple this with the covid vaccine harming people’s immune systems, people being sick far more often than ever in the past, and idiots continuing to still wear masks everywhere, we are in an incredibly rough spot. Even obesity rates continue to just go up. We may someday see a nation with a majority obese population.
Americans are some of the most unhealthy people on the planet, and the new processed industrial revolution in our food is not helping.
Hilariously, all of our guys are afraid of ‘eating the bugs’. But bugs are superior to the CRISPR and test-lab meatveg that is sneakily being shoved down our throat. A cricket is probably better than a Beyond Meat product for you in the long-term.
Regardless, I think I will stick with grass-fed ground beef from a local rancher who I trust. I won’t decide between the worse two. But most Americans will probably sloppily enjoy both.
A lot of odd, unpredictable food shortages hit us this year.
I still distinctly remember the absolutely ridiculous amount of money I paid for high-quality pastured eggs this year. At various points I couldn’t even find them. And who could forget the diseases, wiping out both of the chickens and wild deer (chronic wasting disease)? These made a significant chunk of hunter kills useless and increased the price of chicken massively comparable to beef. The prices still have not stabilized nor returned.
These shortages will not resolve in the near term, especially if major wars break out. Additionally, we cannot forget the lagging indicator of problematic harvests from this year and last, which won’t come to full fruition until 2024.
While 2023 has these kind of food shortages, we may look back to this year and wish the food shortages of the future were like this one. It really was not all that bad, but it is an indicator for the future.
The Russian-Ukraine War continues to drag on. The United States continues to fund Ukraine with everything we have, and billions of dollars that we don’t have. This is done for no purpose at all, considering that we know Russia is going to win. So we are simply killing off all the Ukrainians, and siphoning our money to war, while knowing the end goal is the same.
The fact that this war continues to drag out this long makes me think that the United States expects to enter into a conflict with Russia in the near term. This is the only reason why weakening them through years of warfare and grinding them down with the Ukrainians would make sense. That, and the copious amounts of money laundering going on, of course.
The Ukraine war in 2023 has had its cycles of ramping up and down, with various Ukraine counter offenses that did not pan out. My expectation in 2024 is for this trend to continue or for a surrender to be drawn. More than likely the latter, given the new wars spiraling out worldwide this year (such as Israel). We cannot afford all of them. Ukraine will probably hit the backburner.
This year we have seen some pushback against the centralizers in various countries. A few notable examples include Argentina, Norway, Italy, and Hungary.
Sadly, most of these have not panned out so far. Italy’s female leader has cucked and is welcoming immigrants, even though she won on an anti-immigrant platform. The new Argentina leader has already backtracked on numerous of his promises and he just entered the office. (He’s also a libertarian, which is already problematic). The list goes on.
Really, the only ones that I have noticed that have been keeping a level head are Hungary and Serbia. They are not getting trapped into the Ukraine war, but they are not falling under clown world either.
Another interesting example is Ireland, and their recent anti-immigrant riots. This is what the West genuinely needs. If the fire of Ireland can spread everywhere else, we just may have a chance. But just the fact that this is a standout item is a problem. We don’t have nearly enough pushback against these monsters here in the West. We’ve become largely complacent.
Hopefully, the rougher situations of 2024 will spark more fire underneath us.
But that small amount of centralizer pushback did not come without centralizers fighting back themselves.
Nowhere is this more clearly seen than in Poland and the Baltic states. Poland’s ruling party that had protected the country for so long has fallen to an openly satanic party. One that openly abhors Christians. This will not end well.
The Baltic states fell as well, siding with clown world over Russia. This has fully enclosed them in the sphere of evil. Likewise, much of South America has now fallen into that same sphere, such as Brazil by losing their populist leader Bolsonaro.
Africa is a mixed bag. Some countries like Niger have moved away from centralizer control. Other countries like the ECOWAS nations have moved closer.
Similar mixed things have happened on the Asian front. Some countries have been consolidating away from clown world, and others closer. I have noticed less movement in Asia than in other places, perhaps because the sides have already been drawn and have been known for too long.
As far as domestic politics go, there’s nothing of incredible note here for this year. Sure, we’ve had some silly and stupid things happen. But nothing of a major note that is new that I can recall.
The targeting of political opposition continues by the FBI and other three letter agencies. The January 6 political prisoners are still locked up and being abused for nothing. We’re still seeing the explosion of both lawfare (targeted weaponization of lawsuits, politicized prosectuors, and the corruption of the judicial system) and the culture war (a trans dude won woman of the year, if you missed it). The entire judicial system has really become a joke this year, all the way around. But none of these are new topics, they are just continuing degenerations from years prior. They’re just getting worse.
The biggest new topic is preparing for the election year next year. Regarding this, 2023 has all been guaranteed that Trump is likely to be a front runner unless he’s killed or taken off the ballot. Likewise, Biden appears to be running again, even though everyone seems to say that he will not be. As of now, it seems likely that we have a repeat of the 2020 election.
One thing of annoying note here is that one of the most popular candidates running for the Republican ticket is a man by the name of Vivek Ramaswamy. He says nice things, but he’s a literal foreigner with a completely different religion. I hate how everyone on the Right falls for this stuff every time. I will not be, and you should not be, voting for him under any circumstances. We should not be ruled by foreigners. This should be obvious to any nationalist and I should not have to explain why.
Outside of the buildup for 2024 elections, it is mostly been a dull year. Sure, Biden is corrupt. But we’ve all known this for years. Yep, his son is a disaster, and the administration is a joke. Republicans are still “investigating”, like they have been for the last two centuries. All of this has been a trend since 2020, so it’s just getting old repeating it. The usual has been occurring, but nothing too out of the ordinary for Babylon.
At least next year for the 2024 Year In Review, we will be able to talk about election results. If we have an election, that is.
BRICS is an interesting new development this year. I’ve written on this one at length, so I don’t want to repeat too much about it. However, it is clear that various countries around the world are now challenging the US dollar hegemony.
They have not made much progress this year, but both the framework and the foundation have been set. Expect to see a lot more from them in 2024. Along with the ramifications of this move, which is certain to be catastrophic for the dollar as a reserve currency. Other nations are now openly and brazenly challenging the unipolar order created by the United States through the use of financialization. This has not happened so forcefully since the United States claimed the title of unipolar hegemon.
Most people seem to forget that many banks across the western world collapsed this year. Many of the same regional banks are still in horrible spot, and are desperately using up the Feds bailout money still.
More than anything, this showed how fragile our financial system is and how we cannot also handle a simultaneous attack by BRICS.
I also have to wonder if these bank crashes were a test run for future crashes, to see what they could do. Or to prepare for a digital currency to replace cash, bringing us a step closer to some End Times prophecy.
It is suspicious how much this particular topic has been swept under the rug, how little attention was paid to it, and how so many people have seem to have forgotten it completely. Especially considering that these bank crashes were equal in scale to the 2008 collapse.
It is odd, is all I’m saying.
Haha, just kidding, the climate is fine. Stop worshipping Gaia.
This is one of my top stories of the year.
Not because of Gaza or even Israel. But because of the Yemeni Houthis and Hezbollah.
The former have effectively shut down the Red Sea shipping corridor, and the Suez Canal. The latter is almost certainly going to be in a full fledge war with Israel during 2024.
Compared to these two, the Gaza situation itself was just a small match. The neighboring countries and situations like Yemen and Hezbollah are the oil spots that are going to light the entire region ablaze. Yemen especially, given their challenge to the trade routes that the U.S. hegemony claims to protect. The risk is only further increased with Iran’s backing of all of these entities, which is certainly going to provoke escalation with Israel.
At this point, it seems almost certain that Israel likely knew about the Gaza paragliders’ attack before it happened, but they allowed it to continue, anyway. Israel obviously wants to kill off all the Palestinians and get them out of the land. But they also want to reduce the threat of Hezbollah in the north. This event gave them the best opportunity to manage both while still looking like the victim.
Still, it seems they may have bit off more than they can chew, with the majority rest of the world now moving against them. But Fakesrael still has their lapdogs—us, the United States—to come to the rescue if things get too rough.
This event could become a major catalyst for World War in 2024. Even if it doesn’t go that far, it is going to be a catalyst for a major regional conflict in 2024. Israel will not be simply removing the Gazans. A larger conflict will soon be in play here. I see no situation in which Israel does not attack Lebanon, at a minimum.
2023 has had the world on the edge, more so than I’ve seen it in decades. We’ve had conflict spring out nearly everywhere:
Things have really been both building up this year and firing off this year. 2024 will probably be no different.
2024 is likely to be the major year we have all been waiting for. It is an election year in the world hegemon, which means certain plans are going to come into action, as they always do during election years.
You may forget, but last major election year we had the beginning of Covid. These years are always big.
We have already been hearing rumors of a new virus coming out of China that affects kids. Current wars are already here and future wars look likely. Our economic situation is as dim as it has ever been given inflation, the debt, interest rates, and the new challenges abroad against the USD as the global reserve currency.
The hegemon, the United States, is facing attacks from numerous angles. More so than has ever happened in any of our lives. It is not just going to go away. Conflict is coming, so it is best to get prepared. However you can. I do not want to be Mr. Doom, but I also do not feel at ease in sugarcoating this reality to my readers.
I do not have many predictions about the new year besides what I’ve already said. However, I know everyone is curious about who I think will win the election (due to the comments I’ve been receiving), but I’m just going to say I think whoever is reading this probably has a better guess than me. I do not care about the current candidates and I frankly hate them all. Thus, I have not been paying any attention at all. Because of this, your estimate is likely better than mine.
My focus for this year has been less domestic and more international in focus, because of the major threat that exists outside of our border that will probably come into our border very soon.
A few additional predictions I will make, however, are these: I believe the Israel conflict is going to become a larger regional conflict, possibly drawing in outside-region nations. I also expect further economic deterioration, and further challenges to the hegemon throughout all of 2024. But perhaps more important than these, I expect the hegemon to have something up its sleeve, ready and waiting, because it also knows those challenges are coming. They’re not dumb. In fact, they allowed this situation to arrive in the first place. I believe they did so for a purpose. There is a plan here. I just cannot decipher it fully yet.
Still, I am more interested in hearing my readers’ predictions about the future. You guys usually have better ones than I do.
Please leave your thoughts in a comment or a message.
Regardless of the worrying signs, a new year is coming. So, let’s celebrate that we had a whole extra year alive and not in a gulag. Let’s end on a fun(ny) note.
We did our analytical year in review above, so let’s end this piece with a meme year in review regarding the top monthly meme stories that we’ve all enjoyed:
Regardless of the world’s events in 2024, I wish you all a phenomenal year. While the outlook does not look great for the modern West, that is actually good news for us anti-moderns in the West.
Let us hope and work toward a better and more prepared year for us all than the last. One closer to victory than ever before.
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Good stuff, K. I forgot about some of these, good to recall.
My predictions for 2024:
Either way, 2024 is shaping up to be a shitshow
Wild predictions, especially the last one. We’ll have to review these come the 2024 review article. Cheers, Northern Owl.
I am less concerned with the AI, election, and the other items than I am with the war in the Middle East. You are correct in saying that is the biggest issue of the year. It’s definitely of Biblical proportions. If Israel does go to war with all her surrounding nations, it could easily be the setup for a future abomination of desolation at the Muslim holy site and the ushering in of the beginning of Revelations.
This reality may or may not happen now, but it will happen eventually. This new fighting, and Israeli desires for a “buffer zone”, are just eerily close. the setup is shaping up, as some would say.
Given that the Antichrist fools the entire world, it’s almost guaranteed that that individual will be a Jew. Because otherwise followers of Judaism would not follow him (as their false “Messiah” must be Jewish) nor would the easily mislead false Christians (who will likely be spending the time thinking this Jew is Jesus because they don’t end up raptured). Because of this, I feel as though we are just waiting for the Israeli state to overtake the region and when all war breaks out, the Antichrist will be waiting to deliver peace.
Troubling prospects. It is my sincere hope that we have more time.
Great comment. Thanks for sharing your thoughts BGE.
Thoughts on this?
“This is a quantum shift on the chessboard. It means West Asian powers will frame the new regional architecture from now on, not US Navy “projection.” “
Yemen certainly changed everything. I do not disagree with that position. The US Navy has yet to fully respond with what they are going to do, however. So it’s still a bit of a wildcard.
I know everyone wants to believe the US hegemony is going to just vanish and others will fill the void, but this is not usually how the loss of a unipolar power goes. It often takes war and disaster. Iran and Yemen could both be involved in that struggle, imo.
Some thoughts I have on certain things (and I hope I can keep them short this time).
Health Declines: I’ve been doing the carnivore diet over the last 6 months, and I’ve never felt as healthy as I feel today.
People over here stuff themselves with soybeans/soy sauce, cookies, tofu, noodles, soy sauce added into literally everything, cabbage, fried chicken, and more toxic garbage, and they get sick all the time, I keep seeing more and more obese people as of recent years, it’s real sad.
All I eat is meat, eggs, butter, and salt, and yet I’m considered the “unhealthy one”, meanwhile I’ve lost 20kg of weight in the first 2 months alone, and don’t get sick or ill at all.
Everybody I know is having the cold (or corona as they call it these days), all I got is a big boost of energy.
I actually saw this video a few hours ago about the dangers of eating fruits and vegetables, and having tried vegetarian and omnivore diets before, combined with the arguments he gives, I can say it makes lots of sense, and I’m sure you’ll like it as well:
BRICS: your link to the article is broken, please fix it.
Milei: looks like you were right after all.
While he does a nice job at cutting the government to a smaller size, he still seems to cuck out a lot.
So yeah, controlled opposition indeed.
Climate Change Inc.: as much as I hate these clowns, maybe we shouldn’t worry about them.
Darwin will eventually take care of them all, considering those same people are all vegans and at least triple jabbed, and lots of them are probably on HRT too.
I’ve heard a lot of people say similar. I am surprised the unhealthy eating is spreading to even Japan. Probably shouldn’t be surprised, but it is disappointing, nonetheless.
I am excited to watch your video, thanks for sharing.
Good catch. It is fixed.
You are not wrong there. But how much damage are they going to do to the rest of us until that time comes?
> I’ve heard a lot of people say similar. I am surprised the unhealthy
eating is spreading to even Japan. Probably shouldn’t be surprised, but
it is disappointing, nonetheless.
It’s a worldwide problem.
I first wanted to say it’s a 1st world problem, but somebody living in a 3rd world Asian country showed me a graph of the obesity problem throughout South-East Asia, and with the exception of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, the obesity rates are through the roof there.
But I was actually more surprised to see how long it took for the problems to arise than that it’s a problem at all, it’s well known that Asians consume more rice and soy than westerners, but watching this other video made sense here:
This one is a bit long, but to explain my point: the US has invented processed foods, seed oils, corn, grains, and so on, and it was later spread to the rest of the world, which is why the long term consequences were the most apparent in the US first, then in the rest of the western world, and then everywhere else.
Japan didn’t adopt a more westernized diet until pretty recently (the 1950s or 1960s), and while the consequences are bad for yourself, it’s a lot worse for your offspring, and even worse for their offspring.
> You are not wrong there. But how much damage are they going to do to the rest of us until that time comes?
Probably a lot, although quite a lot of damage has already been done.
What should be understood is that those people are really attention whores, so ignoring them is a lot more devastating to them than roasting them.
The reason why the elites are getting their way with this is exactly because we give them the attention they crave.
I’m not saying we should ignore the problem altogether, after all, our sides are bigger than we ourselves even believe.
But instead, some kind of counter narrative needs to be born that doesn’t give attention to the climate cultists, but instead to common sense.
They want to get rid of nuclear power? We promote nuclear power.
They want to kill the trees, sorry I mean go net zero on CO2? We promote to save the trees so they can continue converting CO2 into oxygen.
They want to to make us eat zi boogz? We promote a bigger consumption of steaks.
Combine it with scientific evidence (real science, not the pseudo covidian science) and logical explanation, and we got a bigger chance of fixing the world than if we were to give those clowns any attention, whether positive or negative.
This is the most troubling piece of it all. Who knows where the genetic line is going to be 100 or 200 years from now if the consumption rates remain the same. The species will be one giant genetic monstrosity. The few that avoid this toxic trash across the germline will be like superhumans, comparatively.
I also enjoy your idea about avoiding the attention results. It’s not a bad idea, and promoting consuming more steaks is something I could always get behind. In a sane world, we wouldn’t have to ignore or respond to them at all, because they would be safely houses away from us in insane asylums.
Good read. I find it unlikely that the Israeli situation will deteriorate further, however. I think it is more likely that the Russia or Chinese front is opened.
Just my two cents.
You very well could be correct. Thanks for the comment, Rylee.
I don’t know about all ya’ll, but I’m writing in Asteroid for 2024 for my vote. This country could use a little shake up.
Probably a better vote than for any other choice we will be presented with.
Without elaborating too much because my writing skills are lame- I think America is going to get are ***es handed to us. Are weapons and cash flow, oil reserve etc is being decimated. That fat **** North Korean ***wipe is having wet dreams of attacking us. It’s difficult to predict but the U.S.A. will be tested like it has never been tested before. WW3 is on the horizon. There are so many traps set-up for Americans to totally lose any kind of Democracy we have left. I am fascinated with AI and I do enjoy experimenting with it BUT I know it will be fully weaponized against me in the future. As far as the candidates for Presidency- **** them I hate em too! America has become a laughing stock!
And I 100% believe that America is being taken down from the inside. It’s an inside job. Like Covid BS.
Great article BTW?
Nailed every point, as usual K G. Thanks for the comment
My major prediction for the year is that Biden will win re-election. Trump seems like he will for sure be the frontrunner for now, but that is probable to change. While Trump is not “good” in a conventional dissident sense, he is an annoyance to the elites who do not want to deal with him for another four years. They’ll find a way to knock him off.
Will be exciting to look back on these predictions and see how everything turns out. Thanks for the comment F4100.