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Welcome to the Scientific Dark Ages. Courtesy of 2020
Back as early as April of 2020, I noticed an increasingly alarming trend of science being used in a political manner. It’s been progressing in that direction for quite some time, but the outright rejection of basic principles of science in favor of fear gained new momentum from the COVID shenanigans.
Science is being used purely for political purposes. The public trust placed in the scientific/medical communities are being used to push anti-scientific conclusions.
It is regrettable, but it seems at this point we’ve permanently entered the scientific dark ages.
I nominate that this age official began in 2020 with the rise of COVID. When the entire modern world shut down in response to potentially getting a cold, and then proceeded to slowly get even more insane as even further evidence came out that it wasn’t the promised judgement-day plague. So instead of the medical and scientific communities admitting their error and moving on, they doubled down. They’re either too cocky or too controlled. And we’re all suffering for it.
This year, and the future, will need to be categorized as a dark ages for science and medicine. Instead of our institutions working toward a disinterested search for truth, we see politics, a demand for blind “trust” in these communities (faith), dogma, oligarchical power, censorship, and the like. More than just see them, however, they have become the norm.
The search for truth has taken a backseat.
Censorship has exploded while everyone is told to “trust” the individuals leading us into this new Dark Age. But what real scientific mind would be afraid of “conspiracy theories” or questions against the prevailing viewpoint? In many ways, that’s the point of science. To question everything, constantly, for eternity. To search for truth no matter the consequence. Nothing was ever supposed to set in stone. We are meant to always advance our understandings. This requires questioning everything. Not blindly trusting, which is the point of faith. Which is what they now ask of us.
Regardless of the risk from COVID (even though it is minimal), there is no reason to totally toss skepticism and doubt out of the window. A “pandemic” does not necessitate the need for a return to caveman methods. In fact, the larger the supposed risk, the higher the skepticism should be.
The scientific and medical communities have taken on a different role now. They are the new pastors; the new priests. They want you to blindly trust them, even when they have been demonstrably wrong about everything so far. They want loyalty and blind support, much in the same veins as a deity commands.
They don’t even want to be doubted, choosing instead to censor those that doubt instead of engage in dialogue. The hive mind exists merely to perpetuate the hive mind. It will throw all others out.
Science used to follow a basic understanding of natural selection: let nature take its course. We should allow people to do what they want with themselves so long as it does not harm another person. Now, they instead want you to do everything they say and believe every falsehood they say or suffer the consequences they will put on you. Most of them even want you to forget the massive errors they had made in the past, but still trust their judgement in the future. The initial doctor from the UK that put forth the faulty research that ended up with the enter world locking itself down came out and pretty bluntly said that he was 100% wrong but all of his new research should be trusted without question.
This isn’t science, this is a placeholder for a religion. Hence, the Scientific Dark Ages.
In many ways, this new Dark Age has become a type of religious cult. Perhaps the lack of religion in their lives has made them create something exactly the same. But instead of a deity they worship, blindly trust, and have faith in certain human figures and human institutions.
If science and medicine were truly striving for the best they could do, they would make all of their actions voluntary. They would have no need to force anything, because individuals would willingly comply. If a pandemic was actually deadly, people would not still be willingly flying next to 100 other passengers, going to resorts, or partying with friends. Nor would they need to sell a vaccine to a population. People can manage risk appropriately. Let them.
But science is not striving for their best. They are striving for control and compliance. So they’ve had to sell it. Both the lie of the problem and the lie of the solution.
The basic foundation of science is to question everything. Science is not science if it must be forced on everyone. Nor can it be science if everyone that may even slightly disagree must be censored. Those are traits of a new religious dark age, not of practicing real science.
In 2020, we witnessed the full convergence of the scientific and political fields. They are one now. The politics drive the science and will continue too for the foreseeable future.
Welcome to the Dark Ages.
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