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While I am not optimistic about it changing anything, Dinesh D'Souza's documentary '2000 Mules' was a worthwhile short watch.
I know most people on our side of the political spectrum aren’t exactly friends with Dinesh D’Souza or the Prager types, but this documentary was still interesting, nonetheless. Ignoring Dinesh, TrueTheVote provided some pretty exemplary data analysis and video footage of obvious vote trafficking.
It doesn’t take much common sense to realize that if you can catch a few, then there are likely a lot more that are going undetected. No central organization would risk it for an extra few ballots. You risk it for a state.
Even the small amount of evidence they showed in the documentary would toss the result in Biden’s direction. Considering all of Biden’s gains came in the middle of the night and through drop box and absentee/adjudicated ballots, it’s only still a conspiracy for the truly blind.
Again, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist. Our elections are trash. All it takes is some money to get your hands on voter rolls and then drop some ballots in a USPS-style box. The entire idea of a “drop box” for selecting the highest level office is insane. It’s something history will look back on us and wonder what we could have ever been thinking. You’d have to be a completely retarded country to elect your highest ranking politician in such a manner. But here we are.
The documentary puts a lot of this one piece (drop boxes) in perspective, but there are hundreds of other instances of fraud occurring in other avenues as well. It was likely a lot more than we will ever realize. A lot of elections in this country are rigged, and it’s looking like that may become the majority of elections rather than a frequent minority if 2020 goes unresolved.
We can boil it down to the basics:
But, it’s still a good documentary to watch. Compliment your knowledge on how voter fraud works and see it directly in action. Support organizations that are making a mockery out of this false “president” and his admin. An admin elected through fraud like all other international oligarchs and intelligence-installed coup leaders.
Plus, the documentary is just good. It’s smooth, to-the-point, and well coordinated. I could have used without having to listen to Prager and the gay-looking one talk for twenty minutes at various points, but I did it so you don’t have to. They add nothing. Skip those parts.
It’s a great documentary for the grey masses especially, as it puts things in a very easy-to-understand, patriotic manner. Recommend it to your grey mass friends that are on the fence with the issue. It’s easier to stomach than three hours of intense data analysis from the more hardcore analysts.
Find it here until this one gets taken down.
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