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'Betrayal is a woman's heart' is an article by Heartiste that has attracted a lot of attention. I encourage my readers to check it out.
I recently came across on article titled “Betrayal is a Woman’s Heart” on Heartiste.
I found it an outstanding read. Fully recommend you go read the full text if you haven’t seen it yet.
Naturally, I have a few comments on it.
The article:
A man with frame as strong as oak tree can tame a woman, and keep her tamed for the life of their love.
Most men are not oak trees. They are Frenchmen watching their women throw themselves at invading German soldiers.
Sleeping with the enemy: The pictures taken from German PoWs that revealed how women in Nazi-occupied Europe leapt into their arms
Photographs show scantily clad women partying with Nazi officers and even posing in German SS uniform
Others show women drinking in coffee shops, playing in snow or frolicking in grass meadows with Germans
Although some of the women had little choice in order to survive, many genuinely fell in love with Nazis
Photos provide a rare glimpse of hope, joy and love which transcended national
LMAO at that last lede. “rare glimpse of love which transcended national loyalties and persisted”. Love wins when France loses!
Following are pics of French ladies with their German occupier lovers, for your amusement, or disgust. Keep in mind many of the Frenchmen these women betrayed were at the time imprisoned, underground, organizing a real resistance, or dead.
Or, sometimes, watching from a short distance, tormented by what can only be described as mass cuckoldry.
In one way, I can almost feel the pain of the French men that had fought (or were still fighting) and having to deal with this added mental mindfuck.
But also in another way, I don’t really care at all. It’s a situation of reality. Denial or anger at reality does not differ from getting mad at a mountain for existing. The human race is naturally better if women gravitate toward the best fit men, and in this instance, many (not all) of them were the Germans.
It does need to be mentioned the Germans were generally more attractive, taller, and dressed more professionally than their French counterparts at the time. The Germans put a big emphasis on “looking the part” of a dominating force. They were also just that—A dominating force.
Again, it’s just reality. So while I don’t feel amusement or disgust, I do feel pain for the select dominant Frenchmen that had to endure an invasion and then the subsequent betrayal by their own.
We’ll get more into why I feel this way after a bit more of the article:
Women are neurally wired to submit to the men of the dominant tribe. In WWII, that meant submitting to invading Nazis. And when women submit, they do so with all their heart, often falling deeply in love with the invading men who put their native men to bayonet. This is an evolved survival response that women, but not men, can leverage, because women are the more valuable sex, reproductively speaking.
This is very obvious. We have evolved this way. If an invading tribe took over another tribe, the women could be spared if they submitted. The men were all annihilated, regardless of submission. Men have a natural instinct to be protective of their region for this reason, while many women do not.
Something like 250,000 of them continued fighting the Nazis post-invasion. They did not roll over and give up as usually joked about. So while Germany did overtake France, the Frenchmen did not all immediately fall. Many hundreds of thousands continued to be strong.
Likewise, many women did not end up betraying their men. Sure, many did. But there were quite a few women who aroused the attention of German men specifically for gaining intel to pass on to the resistance.
So the Frenchmen held onto some of their fighting spirit and masculinity during that time. In response, some of their women stayed. And some even chose to fight alongside them.
And women’s loving, desirous submission is authentic, because to fool invading men is easier if one has fooled oneself. “Fool” isn’t the right word for it, either. Women fall in love with invading men because those men have proven themselves more dominant than the native men, and male dominance is the equivalent of female T&A.
If those photos seem to you like a straight line could run from them to our current “welcome refugees” pussyhat single White women carnival of suicidal chaos, you’d be right. Our women are throwing themselves, sometimes literally, into the arms of invading hordes. When a single White woman votes for an open borders operative, she has just as well jumped happily into the lap of an invader male, with a taunting smile on her face as her betrayal rips the soul from the losing tribe’s men.
Like I’ve written, men invade, women invite. It is the penetrator conjoined with the penetrated. A timeless, harmonious cosmic dance emanating from the very cells of our biology.
Yep. This was put incredibly eloquently.
It is just a natural biological response. Men and women are different, and that’s a beautiful thing. When we can work together, that is. Within our assigned hierarchical roles.
If I was a woman surrounded by a bunch of pathetic weaklings, I’d also want a stronger “tribe” (as the author calls it) to take over. Whether it is consciously or subconsciously is irrelevant. It would be a beneficial response to me and my kids/future kids.
The issue isn’t women’s biological imperative, it’s the decline of the male’s ability to uphold his.
Naturally, it’s not just men’s fault here. The culture, society, and women’s actions (through things like feminism) have definitely contributed to it.
But regardless, as a man, you’re bred to be strong, protective, and defensive of what you care about. If you lose that, you deserve to lose the respect of women and men.
We can rail against it, damn it, curse it, but it’s better to accept it and make it work for us, because female nature won’t change to suit the whims of something as evolutionarily ephemeral as mere nationhood. That means, we White men of European Christendom have to become dominant again. MADA.
Men need to become men again. The emasculation in the US is the driving force behind this decline.
Just like the initial emasculation of French men surely contributed to their horrible leadership, which led to their quick collapse after Germany invaded.
PS I noticed many commenters at that Daily Mail article excusing the Frenchwomen’s treachery. “They did what they had to do to survive.” This is wrong-headed. Sure, women use their sex to gain favors or even, when times are bad, to survive, but all you have to do is look at the faces of those French girls and see the sheer genuine delight animating them. They probably never felt more alive, or hornier.
For some reason, many people assume women are not as susceptible to sin or shitty behavior as men are. They appear more innocent. But as someone that has worked in banking for a decent amount of time, I know how untrue this is.
The average criminal profile for bank fraud/money laundering is a middle-aged white woman.
Women are just as likely to engage in unethical behavior as men.
The white knights that defend the negative actions they commit are just waltzing around with the goggles on. See no evil, say no evil.
It’s an interesting article. Give it a read.
I appreciate the author putting this together. Definitely shows a side of humanity that many are afraid to discuss. Worthwhile to spark the fire and force the debate.
Now go work on becoming a more dominant man yourself. If enough of us do, then we won’t have to repeat the lesson the French learned in 1940.
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I have to respectfully disagree. the french were playing both sides, hedging their bets as it were. they had the famous french resistance but at the same time the official stance of the french government was to comply. this made it perfect for france as when the war ended, regardless which side won, they could say oh no we were on your side all along. The fact there was a french resistance only shows that the government of france believed the Nazi’s would win and so the official government line supported the Nazi’s. The only way this stance could have been proven wrong is if every french government official was executed for treason, and leaders of the resistance were then elevated to the government. since this did not happen, it shows they were complicit with their invaders and only doing a show of resistance in case the allies won. Since the french leadership was not arrested for supporting the Nazi’s this is all the proof anyone should need to realize france was playing both sides.
While a decent rebuttal, that is not the point of the article. The article is addressing female nature, not the French government’s support or aversion of Nazis.
ThankYou, Trau … there’s always more to every story. Time, study, patience.
Thanks for sharing this. Is there any other way to see the original article? WordPress has removed all of the linked articles.
They have a new website here: But I am not sure if it includes an archive. Worth a look, if you’re still interested.